
@ament001: "..meaning their software its illegal. Write an OS to run on it and you are in the clear..."

@ament001: The issue with your logic is that the impetus for many of the people doing the jailbreaking of the PS3 is the ability to run Linux on their console; They own the hardware and want to run THEIR software on it. Only they can't without modifying SONY's base code to allow their preferred OS to execute.

@Branhower: Sony was cool up until they stopped producing well made and innovatively designed products.

@prometheus_303: "...this really seems like a fishing expedition to me..."

@The5thElephant: That's what it's really all about; Sony knows that the cat is out of the bag, but they're fighting tooth and nail to try to get the cat back into the bag.

@dtptampa: I'm not sure I even agree that what he did was illegal; It seems to me that it falls into the same legal gray area that jailbreaking of phones did.

@Kovitlac: See, we're not having a debate about whether or not it's right, we're having a discussion about the distinctions between the two terms.

@Clixx13: Actually, manslaughter isn't really a good comparison; I'd say that justifiable homicide would be better.

@OlafPain: Until we have the display technology to reproduce actual depth, then 3D will remain a mediocre gimmick.

@ARYXANDRE: See, there's a difference between true capitalism and what Activision is doing under the stewardship of Kotick; True Capitalism would require Kotick to do what would be best for the LONG-TERM profits of the company. That means trying to hire the best people, paying them well, and trying to compete on

@WhoKnew?: You're a troll and you know it; You know that none of us can resist feeding trolls though....

@Viper: This; I hate games like COD because they don't reward the player for helping the team.

@WhoKnew?: I know several female gamers, and while I can't speak for all of them, the one I have met in person is anything but fat or ugly.

@BARDLER: I'd still avoid this; They haven't backed down quite far enough.

@Cerabret100: "i never have one single problem."

@edofyingfilms: Yeah, I really hate how 6 months go by without an interesting release, and then ALL AT ONCE there are 3-10 interesting games coming out within a 2-4 month period.

@tetracycloide: Which is an important distinction; I know what would have happened had they tried to break down my door unannounced and without a warrant.

@Wacko: No, the whole point was that Sony shouldn't have been able to call in the stormtroopers like they seemingly did.

@hurricanedj: In the US at least, the case law would seem to point towards the legality of what people like GeoHot did/are doing.