
"The reason we don't "crack down" harder on guns in the U.S. is because of our country's Constitution, which protects the rights of all people to keep and bear arms. Constitutionally-protected rights are still taken half-seriously here. Half-seriously.

"Putting more strict controls on the sale of guns is not going against the second amendment. "

Now playing

"only professionals should carry (i.e. police)"


Mag limits don't stop active shooters. One of the primary firearms used at the Columbine Massacre was a Hi-Point carbine which utilized 10-round magazines.

You're confusing liberty with license.

Free countries? How about all those unelected tyrants who actually run the EU?

It's likely a software issue, not a hardware issue; The executable does things in very inefficient ways, likely due to being a console port. There is at least one mod that addresses this, which can be found here: []

Vista itself is fundamentally broken.

The otterbox for the iphone 4 sucks though; it's like a cheap Chinese knockoff of the otterbox case for the 3G/3GS....

Sure as hell I wouldn't bring a machinegun to LA. I would to Philly, but not to LA.

Yes, it's their product until they resell it; However, if they MODIFY it, they cannot legally sell it as NEW.

Although I'd take WM over TRU any day, but this is just over certain oppositional political positions taken by the two companies.


The issue here is that it cements the trend of gamestop OPENING sealed products, removing the contents, and still selling them as new.

The plague of rudeness you speak of is something that I find endemic to the epicenters of liberalism.

@2nd White Line: He's right though, at least about this article.

@kdjk5467: The worst are articles where there is an object on the page with a series of photos that rotate through the same object. It's not so bad when they're all exactly the same dimensions, but when they're NOT, the whole fucking article below them jumps 2-3 lines (at least) every time the image changes to one of

@joelja: NO, I don't know is third base. Shortstop is I don't give a darn.

@nahde: " Microsoft gets slammed for how "bad" vista was despite the fact 90% of the blame lies with the hardware manufacturers for being lazy"