
@n8n8baby: The issue is that what people like GeoHot are doing should fall under fair use; Courts have found Jailbreaking phones to be a form of fair use (when done by an individual for personal use). I fail to see why the same wouldn't apply here.

@Comatose Turtle: I've been saying it for years; Every Sony product has a cripplingly stupid design flaw.

@Demoskinos: The issue at hand is the separation of the console (the physical object) and the online service (the intangible concept).

@cptincognito: There's also the fact that the guy in question is a complete chode.

@AGRILLEDCHEESE: So basically what you're saying is that you find yourself in agreement with what he's saying, but find him to be a complete chode about it?

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Because they're focusing their effort on expanding their client base when they should be focusing on beefing up their servers.

Joyous news!

@TorrentThief: So you're using prison rape to justify keeping someone in prison for decades at taxpayer expense?

@Dbusterplus: That would fall under "cruel and unusual," and would thus be unconstitutional.

@Aargh_a_Knot: Why not just get some medical maggots?

@adamdoesmovies: Regardless of whether we found nukes, we did find things he should not have had, including chemical weapons, and brand spanking new MIGs buried in the desert...

Damned straight.

So what you're trying to say is that eh is a pretty cool guy, and he doesn't afraid of anything.

I wouldn't be surprised if all four taps were hooked up to the same type of beverage...

Well, that's more or less how it works now, it's just that, unless the employee signed paperwork noting that their employment was "at will*," the employer needs justification for the firing — the justification serves to determine if the unemployment office comes after the former employer to recoup their expenses

The two things I've always heard AMR stood for were:

Keep in mind the following from TFA: "The city said they thought the Department of Transportation was responsible for about a third of the signs"

Assault rifle is defined as a rifle that is selective fire — this means that it MUST be able to fire more than once per trigger pull I.E. burst or full-auto.

@bingowings85: There was no documentation one way or the other.