
@Scenick: It's a legal requirement that ALL cellphones (assuming the network they run on still exists) MUST be able to make emergency calls at any time, regardless of whether or not a phone company is contracted to provide other services.

@darthVato: I've done that deal with a clip-on mic before, and it isn't for me.

@shhhGoToSleep: I'm less surprised and more curious — Curious as to what political purpose this serves, and to whom.

I've been looking for a good alarm clock app for iOS that allows me to SET A PLAYLIST as the alarm, like you can do in older non-iOS iPods....

@Hiero: That's fucking awesome.

@gypsygib: Yup, and the rifles, and the pistols, and the.....

@dodgerx: Who's to say that the XBox in the video was anything other than the private property of a deployed soldier?

@Niki S: Don't forget that he'll only be 15 at that time, and that at around those ages, girls are more mentally developed than boys of the same age.

@skintigh: Of course you could "save" over 100% of the energy cost of an incandescent by running a CFL or LED drop-in replacement, at after you add in your cooling costs. That's simply because of how an incandescent bulb works, namely that it radiates the majority of the energy it draws as heat.

First they had vending machines selling used panties, then bananas, and now crabs?

@nbergseng: This. Religion provides a strong moral code, and often strong incentives to abide by that code. Removal of religion without replacing the aspects relating to the moral code is futile and will result in societal collapse.

@☆Giroro G66☆: I don't know about you, but I occasionally come across a soda can that I can't open without having to pry the tab up with my fingernail or a key (or whatever else is handy). This really has little to do with how intoxicated one is, more how tight the tab is to the top, and how short one's fingernails

@True-Saber: While I usually don't have a problem opening aluminum cans, occasionally I run into one where the tab is close enough to the top of the can that I can't get enough grip on it to pull it up with just my fingertip. This usually ends up happening right after I trim my nails too, so it means I don't have a

@krazedkannon: I know I had massive issues on my then-new desktop (Core i7 920, GTX275) when I first tried Fallout 3. No matter what I did, about 45 minutes out of the vault it would just crash. Restart and try a save? It'd crash at the same point or before. Had a couple of times where I loaded in, went to use

@myma1313: While it may sound like a silly question on the surface, no device will perform 100% of the time like it does in a controlled laboratory environment. Just because it's safe in the lab does not mean it will be 100% safe in the real world, and does not mean there will not be bad batches that are inherently

@myma1313: I think his question has more to do with whether this device has a propensity to falsely detect a dangerous circumstance; I.E., will it go off when it isn't needed, thereby rendering it useless.

@woohoo: To be honest, I know I'd rather be tasered than shot, and I'm pretty sure I'd rather be tasered than hit with pepper spray or mace.

@gregson66: Exactly. When I see that Activision cares about releasing (and supporting) QUALITY games, rather than just milking their IP for all the money they can get out of it, then I MIGHT consider buying one of their games. Might.