
@deanbmmv: Would you rather pay 30 USD every year to keep your OS up to date, or ~150 every 2-4 years? That's really the difference. It's like the difference between a full game and episodic content. In the end you pay roughly the same amount of money for roughly the same amount of software.

@ReynaldoRiv: Um, no offense, but this here really caught my eye:

@ReynaldoRiv: No offense, but I've used OS X, and I even own my own Mac. My opinion of OS X is that it is, at it's core, a bastardized and dumbed down distribution of Linux (it's a fork of BSD). Basically, they prettied it up nicely, made decent drivers, and hid a lot of the control apps away, but that's where the

@cyruss: Windows 7 is pretty much still Vista, it's just a little prettier in some places, a little more efficient in how it uses RAM, and has almost none of the negative stigma attached to Vista.

@deanbmmv: Damn straight. I usually leave FF and Chrome up most of the time, and I've seen the two of them together boost my total used RAM to well over 4GB.

@jandlecack: Bah, any overclock is worth it if the chip will do it. Count yourselves lucky if your chip even does 3.5Ghz stably, as there are 900-series Core i7 CPU's that won't do even that — I should know seeing as I have one.

@kev: Yeah, that's why I stopped playing the 360 versions after getting out of the vault and spending a grand total of five minutes in megaton...

And HERE is the difference between the devs at Valve who worked on HL2 and the devs who were working on Duke Nukem Forever. The former just did their best to get something good out the door and are letting the fans worry about pimping the graphics to keep it current, while the latter kept it in house always trying to

@robots199: That's pretty much the short of it, yes.

@Cake Tank!: No, it just says a lot about the teams I end up with on the servers I play on. With my trusty sammich equipped instead of a shotgun, I don't need a medic, which means that I can then operate more or less independent of a medic on a small team. If nobody on my team is a medic, and they suck, then I'm not

@RawrSpoon: The war update has me NOT playing TF2 because I haven't been able to use my loadout(s) for the past day and a half. If I can't have a sammich, then I can't play as a heavy. Same thing with medic and my blutsauger.

@ienvy: That's not even the correct syntax for that.

@Spderweb: Looks like a mix of Bolian (blue skin) and probably Romulan, as that would account for the ears, and possibly the forehead ridges, although those might be due to some Klingon having been thrown in there too.

@Ehardergardens: Yeah, I hate how hordelings clip you and stop you dead in your tracks. That's one of the reasons I like melee weapons — they make it much easier to get a horde off of you...

@Boneszee2: Honestly, I'm not a big fan of the new scoring. As I see it, the entire purpose of it was to discourage people from ragequitting, and it doesn't do that. Really, what it does is make the scoring a lot more luck related; If three of your team make it with full health and kits vs all four of the other team

@Ehardergardens: There's a difference between "continuous panic event" and "there's a million god damned zombies coming straight at me down this narrow alley and I can't get past the buggers because they're taking up the whole god damned alley."

@DollaBill: It's somewhat true though — there are parts of L4D2 that are just an unending uberhorde. The alley run to the safehouse on Dark Carnival map 4 is a good example of this.

@-MasterDex-: Nah, skip the M17x — it hasn't been updated with the current crop of mobile processors. Go with an M15x with a Core i7 processor and a GTX 260 or better.