
@Mishotaki: Hell, I go one step further — Since my first playthrough I haven't even bothered to listen to well over half the dialog — I just skip through it and choose my dialog based on where I want my character to rank WRT paragon/renegade. There are generally six options for dialogue: Bottom left—Intimidate,

@KichiGuy: No, it was due to the one on the Normany being so bloody slow (seriously, they put in a massive waste of space double staircase from the command deck to the middle deck, and then a massively slow elevator from the middle deck to the engineering deck. It just doesn't make any sense.), and people having to

@Nivenus: That was fixed for the PC version.

@Jonny_eh: That, or you had a brief "loading" with a disk icon after the elevator arrived. Really, I wouldn't have minded an elevator ride that took as long as it took to load, but the problem is that they were pre-scripted to a set amount of time. It was presumably done this way for consistency — that way it doesn't

@LostTurntable: Oblivion didn't have loading screens when you were just running around the countryside, and could have managed that globally if they'd wanted to — there are actually community-made mods to do just this.

@mcconahey001: I've played through both, and on PC, you can access inventory while riding in an elevator, although there really isn't a point to doing that, because once you exit the menu you resume the elevator bit from where you left off — it doesn't just keep going while you're in the menu.

@Ritz*: I'm sure that doing it once randomly won't be looked at as that big of a deal — that's a glitch.

As I see it, the reason they appear to be tanking is because their primary market (business/government) isn't buying computers right now.

@UFO: Well I don't know about you, but I'm running a more or less stock-clocked i7 920 with 6GB of RAM, and a GTX 275. I have yet to play a game on this computer that I could not run with everything maxed at at least 1600 x 1200.

@dracosummoner: Well if that's your criteria for saying that a computer will "run" a game, then my old Dell Inspiron 4150 with it's 16MB ATi Radeon 7500c could "run" Doom III. Of course it was at the lowest resolution & settings supported, and at under 20 FPS, but it still "ran." These days I can max it out (Ultra and

@PegasusActual: That 52.70 USD looks a lot better to Europeans — When you're looking at 60 Euro (~90 USD) 53 bucks starts looking a lot better...

@Squiffy: Quite honestly, if you don't have your console hooked up to the internet then you're not really part of their target audience for DLC, it's a sad fact, but a fact nonetheless. They really won't give two shits if the average person out in the boonies with barely more than dialup (if that) ends up with DLC

Double post....

@AncientUnknown1: I'm extremely surprised that nobody (with the possible exception of buried comments) have mentioned another important reason to use dedicated servers: LATENCY.

@WhiteMage: Not as horrible an idea as doing a cannonball from standard table height onto a hardwood floor. I've seen it done.

@QualityJeverage: You just have to look at it as the person who posted that contracting the real-world service of someone — he's looking to pay someone to sit at their computer and play a game...

@Mike Newlad: Forced charity is NOT charity. Certainly give the OPTION of donating CPU/GPU time to grid computing projects, but don't FORCE people to use them.

@s2sxiii: We'll have to see how it will run on my Core i7 920, 6GB of Dominator GT 1866MHz (7-8-7-20 latencies), EVGA X58 Classified (UPS should be delivering it today!), EVGA GTX 260 C216 55nm, and 4-drive (all Seagate 7200.11 1TB) RAID 0+1 array...

@Paul Miles: I agree that it was very underwhelming in '07, but I got a video card (8800GTS 640MB) and sound card (X-fi extreme gamer) out of it, so I shouldn't complain too much. Also, I went on Sunday, so I'm not sure that what I saw was an accurate representation of what was there Fri/Sat.