As long as our wedding includes a baby hedgehog ring bearer and a baby pig flower girl!
As long as our wedding includes a baby hedgehog ring bearer and a baby pig flower girl!
Wow, that was so cute I can't even handle it. I became overwhelmed by warm fuzzy feelings!
Eh, I don't think it's that bad, you guys. But if anything, this makes me want to go back and listen to their last album, The Con, which I love more than most of their earlier stuff. Anyone with me here?
I feel so mislead...I always thought corn was a vegetable!
I really like this idea. I can relate to where you're coming from. I was involved in sports growing up (soccer, softball, gymnastics, swimming, you name it) so I was very physically active. However, when I started high school I ditched all the sports and started eating more unhealthy foods since I had the freedom to…
That very well may have been true...and also could have explained his choice in profession! Either way, it felt super awkward.
This reminds me of one of the first times I took my dog to get a check-up. The vet came in the room, maybe said hi to me, but then completely ignored me the rest of the time as he whispered- WHISPERED!!! (I am not making this up) -into my dog's ear about how handsome he was and how he was a good dog. This went on for…
Haha! Perfect!!!
Just clean up real fast by throwing stuff under furniture/in closets and shave. TREAT YOSELF.
Depending on what school you are going to, you could always look into the possibility of a TAship. At my school, if you apply to be a TA in grad school your tuition is paid for by the school and you get an additional stipend of $10,000/yr. Not a bad deal for grading some papers!
Milk and yogurt really help to take away some of the burn as well.
Yep, I encountered this problem the other day when I went shopping for new jeans and found that stores tended to have pants that were size 0, or size 8 and larger. 2s, 4s and 6s were super hard to come by.
I agree- I could completely envision this playing out in my head!
I straight up blocked my exes, because even after deleting them, I still found I would type in their name and try to glean whatever information I could without actually re-friending them. Now that they're blocked, they can't show up at all, ever.
Haha, I was just thinking that they look like piglet-chipmunk hybrids!
Same here. Birth control is a wonderful thing.
How was your gynecologist able to confirm this? Just curious, because sometimes I'm afraid I will be infertile when the time comes that I want children, and I wondered if there was some way to find out without actually trying to conceive right now.
Bahahaha, full episodes on Youtube! This is hilariously awful.