I bet it tastes good with BBQ sauce.
I bet it tastes good with BBQ sauce.
I'd probably put pandas above any primate, or even horse, but otherwise a solid Top 5.
Because you might be a rich minority?
This actually isn't new. White married women vote very similarly to white men. Unmarried white women vote more along the lines of what you'd expect them to.
I say you didn't, or if you did, you half-assed it like the OP.
You don't do your job when you half-ass it by just googling blogs and getting the wrong answer.
You're right, I was too terse in my response. But everything is in the published LTE standards. There's a lot of it and I don't keep specific parts bookmarked, so I really do not have the time right now to dig them up.
Research is YOUR job, guy. My job, while allowing me a few minutes here and there to respond to articles here, is not digging through standards documents to correct for your oversight.
Everything in that article revolves around active use, during which LTE can use more juice. Which, honestly, isn't that surprising. Something has to give when you're pulling down bits at 10x the speed of UMTS. Speed, efficiency, cost of equipment, pick two of three.
Correction phones on CDMA netoworks will run both radios concurrently. The networks themselves, naturally, run all of their networks all of the time.
One of the big selling points of LTE is that it actually uses LESS power in standby compared to GSM/UMTS/CDMA.
This is satire, right? It sounds like satire.
The bolded letters weren't for emotional impact. It was to emphasize that your system of measuring policy success to not only too narrow to be of any use, but a counterproductive waste of time and resources that causes unnecessary suffering and economic malaise.
Loan interest deductions aren't a handout. It's a (partial) negation of the interest being charged by the government in the first place. Student loans are a REVENUE SOURCE for the government. You aren't subsidizing anything. The loans are subsidizing YOUR government services.
Investing requires you to give up equity in exchange for up-front money. Equity means you give up undetermined amounts of future money. New tech is all about hoarding ALL of the money.
This is true even now. You can go into Google Now's settings and turn it on. Only caveat is that if your phone doesn't have a dedicated chip for this (Recent phones with the Snapdragon 805 all have it, as it's built into the accompanying chipset, some phones with the older 800 do too because the OEM added the chip)…
As a paying tenant of the dorm, the student has privacy rights too. Common areas used by more than one student are pretty much open season. However, if each student has their own bedroom or even a closet (maybe even a locked desk, depends on the state), that's private and requires either prior notice (24 hours is a…
+1...something. I can't quite remember what though. What's your name again?
No, your pee isn't cleaner than tap water. Unless you live in Somalia, in which case, congrats. Because you have to be living in a NICE part of Mogadishu to even have running water.
-(i^2) math reference.