I appreciate your enthusiasm and optimistic view that you could change my mind, but I'm really quite tired of them. I hope you, and your cat, have a wonderful day.

Some anecdote about a doctor I've never heard of, never mind vetted, and a single study on mice rehashed throughout the internet (my own 5 minutes of research, not putting words in your mouth) does not constitute good evidence.

No it's not. Cat's suck and only the lames people on the internet are still into them.

Stop pushing pseudoscience. Ingesting wheat does not cause you to have stomach fat anymore than eating anything else in excess of your caloric needs.

South Carolina is backwards.

Doormats cost their owners money. Interns are free.

there's no need to tell Kelly from HR. First of all, she's a huge gossip. Second of all, she insists upon reminding you that her title is like Chief People Person. That's not a real title.

On one hand, I'm not sure if most people understand themselves. People are particularly prone to self-delusion and averse to self-contemplation, which leads to a schism between one's actions and status and one's beliefs and mindset.

Sidenote, the Lindy-approved rape joke article was, by far, the most pretentious and tedious thing I've ever read on this site. OMFG that was terrible. Sure, there's a point to be made in that area, but "I, Lindsey, am the one who decides what is funny and who can tell what jokes" was NOT it.

Whatever the original Latin translation, phobia has a fairly consistent meaning in modern English, hence my argument that the terminology is inappropriate for this social phenomenon.

On one hand, homophobia really isn't the right term for equality opponents, they're not always afraid, often just ignorant. On the other, THESE people are anti-gay, or more accurately anti-not-them. I'd be fine with anti-gay, or homobigotry, or even just bigotry.

Also Payback, injured in the theatrical, killed in the director's cut.

"Complicated"=Limited market compared to core audience+Increased cost of production, stocking and training of associates+more profitable ways to spend R&D money=Possibly profitable, but there's better things they can be doing.

I'd have cheated and selected the Mass Effect Trilogy set for the #10 spot, since you really DO need to see the whole story to appreciate ME in its entirety.

He also has, like, 100 million dollars from the Matrix movies. That kind of money sops up all the hateraide you can try to dump on him.

And Bloomberg bench presses small cars...without having to stretch first.

*eye roll* One in a billion families. There are not a billion families in China.

*Eye-roll* Duh. Their argument is still awful. See: Henry Ford and his belief in paying his employees enough to buy his product. Distributional, but still self-interested.

Not only do they not get it, you don't either. Not every rich person thinks that their self-interest lies in getting themselves more tax breaks. Think Henry Ford and his choice to pay his employees enough money to afford his cars. By the same token, all the poor white-trash Wisconsin folk in my office think Obama is

Of course he only works on his own terms, he has no problem asserting his self interest. Neither does Mike Bloomberg, or Barack Obama. The premise is absurd.