Basically, the only difference is that halfway through that, I'd have said "No, and that is it" and walked away from the conversation. But yeah, kids are like this.

Holy Lord some of you are soooooooo overthinking this.

I'm picturing his father intoxicated trying to explain why he needs another beer.

Great, now I have to re-watch this movie

Wow, this is a terrible mother.

This is cute because he is not mine.

Well, 1) This is admittedly VERY adorable. However,

Psssst, kid. I had a cupcake for dinner. Because I'm an adult.

I don't think this woman is heartless or soulless. I think she has an addiction and possibly some mental problems. I don't doubt that she loves her daughter. She's just a shitty parent. I don't think I'm getting up on a high horse by saying this. She doesn't meet the bare minimum standards of acceptable parenting

"You can't do anything if you can't get everything out of the wall and if you cannot break everything down"

I was wondering if I was the only one who found this completely lacking in charm. If a three-year-old talked over me trying to mansplain something would learn some hard lessons. That child is going to be completely unbearable in ten years.

Yes. This kid probably learned this from some asshole who talks like this all the time.

After spending 2 hours in a Kindergarten class today, I can unequivocally tell you: This is not cute. Nope. Not even little.

I wanted cupcakes for dinner.

Cute, until you wonder where he picked it up.


Nodding off and nodding out are not the same thing. I am a tired person and I often nod off on the bus. Not the same thing as nodding out. I hope this (clearly bright and lovely) girl is ok.

I hope the little girl got kinship care. I know a lot about Philly DHS and the lack of safe foster care placements, esp. for kids who were neglected and traumatized (and need extra special care because of all the emotional and behavioral problems) is a major issue. There are some good placements, definitely but it can

I like the defender's left hand doing absolutely nothing. He actually has to pull it away from the ball so he doesn't inadvertently steal it.