This is honestly one of the most perfect things I have ever gazed upon. Did you make it? Did you find it? FROM WHENCE DID IT COME!? I need to share it with everyone I know. Right now.

Oh, Jen, you definitely had an awkward phase before that period too:

Actually when I was young I often dated older men because I found the boys my age to be too immature. Some 24 year old boys can be pretty young, and could be a good match for a mature 17 year old girl. (And I'm not commenting on the maturity of Lorde's boyfriend specifically as I have no basis for doing so. Just

Twitter is proof that most people shouldn't be allowed to have opinions beyond, "when should I not crap myself today?"

Hey y'all: preemptive strike. If you think this is a space to talk about your personal sexual preferences in terms of nationality, ethnicity or race, it's not! XOXO LUV YA

Well I am deeply hurt that you would reject me in such a public, humiliating way.

Wrong analogy... seems you have not used G+ recently. The Correct analogy is:

All my friends use Facebook too!

Starred this JUST for the LEGO Space Monorail.

This list is a complete parenting fail. With something like a Christmas list you need to get out in front of it. My wife saw something on pinterest last year that we used with our children and it worked well. Basically you have the kid make a list comprised of four things and it is formatted like this: For Christmas I

If you text me a Christmas list, you have a fucking cell phone. Buy your own presents.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

If you've ever been to the American Girl Doll store in NYC, you will want to burn it to the ground.

Did Chief Wiggum tape off the Jeep? That's quality work.

I went to a small Catholic grade school. We had hot lunch on Wednesday only, the rest of the time we packed. The Wednesday offerings alternated between hamburgers the texture of shoe leather, mini frozen cardboard pizza, and later, sloppy joes. We had to "order" our lunch the day before and remember to bring cash. At

Not this?

Exactly. They're talking about breast cancer. There is a breast. Where is the disconnect here?

Can we stop obsessing over nipples?

I do it very...saggily.

Thank you for a lovely mental image.