Price has always been my issue with those tables. I see them and drool until I see the price. I just close the tab, every time. Luckily I have access to the tools and more knowledge than I have thanks to my dad. My TV console was designed and built by me with the assist from him.

A GeekChic style table. I already have my design drawn up. Designed it with a sunken play surface that is removable. That way either fabric can easily be replaced or you can play games on the hard surface instead. Large enough to support an epic game of X-Wing Miniatures, which is a 3'x6' playfield. And of course a

My vehicles stay out of the garage, not because I use it to store excess junk* but because I use my garage as essentially a second living room. This spring I am planning on building myself a custom gaming table to be housed out there. That is why my next goal is a shed for out back to put the lawn equipment and bikes.

As I told them, no one is truly saying anything about them having not seen the movie. They all keep asking what is an acceptable time frame to be courteous to those who have not seen it, be it reasons beyond their control or their own choice, before they stop worrying about a spoiler. None of the responses by that

Look, I know there are valid reasons for people not to be able to see a movie. And yes, someone having to make a choice between seeing a movie or ensuring their kids have food and a roof is a valid reason. There are a lot of valid reasons. Even choosing to wait to see it when it releases on Blu-Ray and DVD because you

Look, I am not the one all up in arms about a picture being a header image. The only one who is being sensitive about the topic is you. That should be evident based on what I actually said versus your reply. Here, let me quote the specific part of your reply that I was responding to:

Nobody thinks it is weird that you prefer watching movies on your couch over going to the theater. Not a single person here. In fact, I would venture a guess that most of us prefer it in most situations.

Oh look, some of us work full time, have a spouse, house, kids, and all the extra curricular activities that is associated with said kids. Yet despite all that, still managed to see the movie twice.

Not you.

Unfortunately, no I don’t have any kind of real build post about it. Outside of the random Facebook and Google Plus posts about it as I iterated through the whole thing. But most of it is pretty easy enough to go through and write up about it.

Personally for me, I have my car and I have my truck. My car is driven daily with an average of 15,ooo miles a year. The truck, it may get 1,000 a year put on it. I would hazard a guess and say a bit less than that though. Because since I don’t have to move things all that often, I tend drive it to work occasionally

Of course! I may not comment as much as I used to, but I am always around.

While I appreciate the simplicity and ease of the NAS enclosures, I couldn’t get over the price. I was not a fan of $300+ for something that was not truly expandable and able to grow. That is why I opted on going the home brewed route. Yes it requires more effort, but in the end you are left with something that is

Conan says it so well. You will be missed Alan, very much. I have greatly enjoyed having you on Lifehacker all these years.

How about using the external HDD that you plan on plugging into the PS4 anyway? Seems like the logical solution to back up your current HDD for the upgrade. And it is a good thing Sony provides easy to follow instructions, with pictures!

Replacing the internal HDD does not void your warranty. It is fully sanctioned by Sony. In fact, they give you instructions on how to do it with your PS4. Same as they did with your PS3. Instructions can be viewed here.

I am quite relaxed. Especially since it was only a debate I was having with someone three years ago...

I guess you are just shit out of luck then sinceyou can’t be bothered with using a small phillips screwdriver.

Sony has though. For both the PS3 and PS4, they provide instructions on size requirements and installation of HDDs. That’s why my PS3 has a 1 TB drive and my PS4 has a 2 TB drive installed.

I’ve been around on Kotaku, I09, Gizmodo for years. I’ve periodically run into a fellow Huntsvillian on here. It only makes since with all the tech inclined people in this city.