I never realized that is who owns Supper Heroes. But you are right, food is pretty great.

The Deep is my local shop. They cleaned it up real quick and were back to business as usual by the next day. They also have good insurance to cover the damage.

Just a cursory Google search will show that a lot of people had issues. There were over 700 complaints filed about the temperature of their coffee and injuries sustained from it. McDonald’s flat out admitted that they new the coffee temperatures were too high and had no plans of changing it.

I was in a similar boat until I was taking a Business Law course last year. One of our assignments for the torts section was to pick between two cases, and the McDonald’s coffee lawsuit was the one I picked. It blew my mind. For years you thought this woman spilled some coffee on herself driving down the road, then

They didn’t though. It just isn’t prominent like with the Xbox One when you hold the button. But the option is still there as it has been since launch.

That is the exact same story with me.

That is the exact same story with me.

I think it really depends on the industry and where you are located. Here in the Huntsville, AL area, the big industry is Space and Defense with the gamut of players like the big organizations such as Lockheed, Boeing, Northrop, and NASA to a ton of smaller players. A metric crap ton of engineering work at all the

I like the concept. I think I will have to make one for myself. Though there are a couple changes, really one, that I would make. I would want to recess the lights into the top portion. I think that would give it a much cleaner look.

After my failed attempt to pick up the NES Classic, I decided to use that money to finally pick up Civ 6. So that is my plan for pretty much the entire weekend.

That is due to how you are looking at it, especially with you looking through an apparent lens of someone without very much money. You are seeing it as a game that you pay $50 to play once.

I highly recommend going to one of the bigger server hosts and paying for a server. At least if you do not want to task a computer for hosting duties and/or rely on your network if you think there will be any play that will occur from outside of your network.

There is crossplay, kind of. You can set up a Minecraft Realm, which has two platforms. One is the Pocket/Windows 10 Edition and the other being the PC/Mac Edition. Though sometime, I believe next year, the Pocket/Win10 will add the Xbox One and 360 to the crossplay. Pocket of course being the mobile edition for iOS

Hahaha. I just like to watch the world burn.

Yay, I’m a nobody!

I only have two real complaints. The main one is in Messages. I am a pretty big fan of a lot of the tricks they added to it but one. When you rotate your device and it brings up the draw or write. There are the time I move just right and it thinks I turned the phone, bringing up the drawing panel. For me, about 50% of

Personally, I like to take two Oreos and twist them each apart. Then sandwich the two halves with the cream together and eat it that way.

I love that channel. I stumbled across it when they did a video on Battlefield 1 and instantly got sucked into the rest of it.

Eh. Kind of. Especially the same aircraft part. Airlines and such aren’t flying military aircraft.

You know what else works really well? I keep a cell phone charger with a 10 foot USB extension cable plugged into it by the couch. Generally it has a micro USB cable stuck in it because that is what most phones use and all of my controllers. So when my PS4 or XOne tells me that the batter is getting low, I just reach

I have YouTube Red, but that is because it came with my Google Play Music subscription. Let me tell you though, it really is awesome not having any ads on YouTube. When I friend goes to show a video from their phone or computer, it kind of sucks. Having to wait for the ad and all that.