Video game makers now have to question “Is our game too fun? If its too fun it wont make any money.” thats weird for an entertainment product. The mandate is no longer “as good as possible” and is now “certain level of good.” 

Trump won the popular vote in more states, which is how the republic works. The overall popular vote never mattered in the republic. This is to keep say 4 million people of one persuasion in California from tipping the election results away from the rest of the union. All votes matter, but we are not a straight up

“It’s just that I don’t understand it, and I wish that somebody could explain it to me in a way where I could go “ohhhh, that totally makes sense, I totally see how that’s a way that this product could make somebody’s life better.””

My yard is around 1/3 of an acre and I can mow it in about 35-40 minutes with a regular push mower. If it was a bit bigger I’d probably need 2 batteries, but I figure it would still be worth it.

I must shout out the Jedha destruction not just for FX but for the impactful (sic) design and cinematography. After decades of sci fi and disaster movies and clean little poof explosions it was terrifying and not like anything I’d seen before. You really felt the cataclysmic enormity, the scale of the shock wave

All I want for Christmas is a movie version of the re-enactment of his character from Ant-Man describing the events of Deadpool. Or any MCU movie, really (yes, I know Deadpool is not MCU).

Yes, but even bad waffles are good waffles.

To be fair to McDonald’s burgers, it’s cause they have very little moisture in them to begin with since they’re cooked. Some people did some experiments comparing McDonald burger decay with home-cooked burgers, and they weren’t that off from each other.

Haven’t played Pandemic Legacy, but it looks awesome. Risk Legacy is excellent. I have a regular group of gamer friends and we’ve all loved playing it. Parts of the world that were valuable strategic points have become so difficult and costly to hold that it’s changed everyone’s strategies. The changing nature of the

Haven’t played Pandemic Legacy, but it looks awesome. Risk Legacy is excellent. I have a regular group of gamer

Can confirm, started casually, a year later, own at least two of each ship (only one of each epic scale ship though.)

Can confirm, started casually, a year later, own at least two of each ship (only one of each epic scale ship though.)

Same to the battery life thing. I thought it was my phone approaching the 1 year mark but nope.

I honestly don’t know what else you want me to say.

Now playing

I would recommend this channel to spell out the Great War and how it evolved each week -

Not really sure what the complaint is here. Given that there is not (yet) a doctrinally-approved solution to dealing with these kinds of threats, would you prefer that the Army simply ignored them until they figure it out? JRTC and other training centers are, in part, labs for working out these kinds of problems

“A simple lone blip was always enough in the early GTAs.”

I have seen this episode many times and it makes me sob, like clockwork, every damn time.

IMO don’t go for finding strangers who’re interested in playing online. Find family and friends, even if (or especially if) they’ve never played before, and see if you can talk them into doing the intro adventures together.

I found this and thought it was pretty great.