No, I set it up to just disable Wifi when it loses contact with my home SSID for a few minutes. It then kicks on the wifi for a few seconds every 15 minutes. If it sees the SSID it reconnects. Otherwise it shuts it back off.

I got $50 to spare...

As long as you aren't actively connected to a network and using the connection, yes. Otherwise the constant drop out and re-establishing of the connection would get annoying.

I see a business possibility here. Need a partner?

Not to mention that it saves your battery!

There are apps that allow you to spoof your MAC address, though I have yet to find one that will rotate it at random. When the address changes it would disconnect you from the network, as that address is how the AP knows who you are. So every time it changed, you would have to reconnect to the Access Point,

They don't want you to be able to find anything. You would browse less, be less exposed to products and advertising all designed to get you to buy more than you intended to in the first place. Why do you think many grocery stores place staple and popular items like Milk in the BACK. To make you walk past all those

That particular device is limited to 14 "approved" devices that can connect. The user has to whitelist a device to connect to it. My neighbors don't even know it's there, even though it's the only available GSM signal in the area. Not to mention that if the phone isn't at least 3G capable and a GSM phone, it cant

It could basically work like airplane transponders and air traffic control radar. Knowing where the device is to a very precise degree and knowing exactly where the camera coverage is, you could overlay the camera image with the MAC identifiers.

Premium Subscription model to get access to more advanced tools.

Do you mean different current draw, as opposed to different voltages? Both ports are rated for 5 volts, but limit at 1 AMP and 2.1 AMPs of current draw.

VOTE: Swiss Champ XLT Knife

Agree with you on the Gerbers, too light weight for Submarine duty as well. I had a pair of Supertools on my belt in the engine room at all times (sometimes one pair of pliers is just not enough). They survived 5 years there, and another 2 on a sub tender. Still have them today, 10 years later. Great tools, but

It leaves the WiFi on, and I set it up to see if it connects to certain SSID's. So if it's connected to SSID-A it assumes I'm home, and disables everything. If not, then I must be away and it enables it all.

Or if you're in the Navy, it normally starts out with "This is a no-shitter..."

It makes use of the secure settings app to get access to the lock screen settings. It wasn't hard at all to set up once that was installed.

My favorite one is the item that when I'm away from home it enables the mobile data plan and enables the pattern lock, but just as soon as it detects my home wifi in range and connects to it, it switches off mobile data and unlocks the phone.

That $5,000.00 a month is a gross pay number. Not real money in my pocket.

I'm using that right now, when attached to my home Wifi it unlocks and disables the 3G/4G data, once I disconnect, it re-enables the 3G/4G and enables the pattern lock. I've not encountered any bugs in this, so either my use case is different or they've solved it.

Agree. The whole idea of co-working spaces really only applies to the part of the working population that is in a dense urban area. I live in a very rural area, and from what I can tell I'd have a 3 or 4 hour drive to get to the nearest co-working space of any kind. My options are move, or work from home, and as