I'd peg it a bit higher than that, mid forties, but yes there is a point beyond which your options become limited.

This. I have pretty much 2 options, AT&T and Verizon. The village I live in is a solid AT&T deadzone. If I stand on one corner of my front porch with my phone in the air I can get 1 bar of signal. I go half a mile in any direction and coverage is fine. I prefer the phones and service for AT&T, even though Verizon

So far it looks good, but I would like a native Android app for use on my tablet I think.

Because in NY they are separate revenue streams for the state, and on different periodicities. You get inspected annually, but registrations are biannual. So you have two dated (inspection is also color coded by year for easy id from a distance of people who are grossly out of inspection) stickers to put in your car.

Whooops, I missed that, its the ICSish skin for the UCCW widget.

All over the place actually. Crashplan lets me backup to their cloud service as well as to external drives and between computers in my home. So I have multiple backups with different types of data going to different locations based on sensitivity and volume.

What billydenton12 said, except I used a 1x4 widget here.

It only allows overlapping when resizing. So narrow the item, move it adjacent to the item it overlaps and then resize it over the background item.

True, but in that case, changing just one password shuts them out of multiple services simultaneously. But I do agree with you on the password per site option. If I have the option to use facebook/twitter to login or create a local account, I go local and use LastPass to generate/store the credentials.

"Why not go to a coworking space?" Because not everyone lives in New York, LA, Seattle or other metro area where those tend to exist. Once co-working space franchises are as numerous and wide spread as coffee shops then your suggestion might make more sense. Like it or not, if many of the coffee shops didn't want

Wow, the source site for this is just full of bad ideas. Lets set up to smear an opaque rainbow of color across the windshield of our cars. Or let's wrap a lamp in flammable materials instead. How about making a handbag out of pieces of sheet aluminium that will strip the skin from your body the first time it

Winter Clothing? On sale in February? Not gonna happen in most places. In fact, I was trying to buy some winter boots to replace a pair, and guess what? Sandals....thats what the local big box has in stock, flip-flops and sandals. Great for tromping around in six inches of fresh snow.

Likely not, as this seems to require features of ICS and Jelly Bean that are not available in anything earlier.

Whoops....sorry, responded to the wrong post....it must be a friday.

[completely wrong place to reply]

I just recently switched from ADW to APEX and have been quite happy with it. More customization available while remaining familiar. Having the ability to import the icon layouts (but not widgets it seems) from ADW was a huge plus to get me started on re-designing my home screen.

Wow, a lot of hate for the filters here. In my case, it depends on what I'm taking the photo for. If I'm trying to document something, then no, I don't use filter apps unless I need to tweak contrasts for detail. But in other cases, I use them because they are fun and can really turn out a beautiful result. My

Even the sudden backpedal on Instagram's part isn't enough any more. The fact that they even published that version of the terms indicates that someone over there thought that was a viable idea, and got buy in from the executive team. Unless the senior execs don't read these policy changes before they go public? Or

In older houses this will not always work. The place I rent has a bizarre (to me) plaster and lath construction. But instead of a wooden lath, it's a perforated metal sheet. Needless to say it completely confuses the stud finder.

Tad, have you ever owned a Samsung Captivate? If you've bricked it, the only way to get to download mode is to use a USB jig. Which is what this guy built. Once it's in download mode you can unplug the jig and plug in the cable from your computer to actually load the new ROM. While I am unsure of the usefulness of