You shut your mouth! No really, can we keep these a secret so I can procure for reasonable money?

Shhhh.... You’re not supposed to tell people about the MK3s until AFTER I get one

Despite all your words, I will still pronounce it how it should be pronounced:

“What kind of economics is this?”

If the insurance company didn’t pay out, then there was no need to total the car, thus his lambo wouldn’t have a salvage title, IF, the laws are the same in the UK as in the US regarding such things. You can kill a claim and not have it on the record after the fact. If the insurance company does pay out, and takes

What? The orange and black dials are awesome you shut your dirty mouth.

Thats the shitty thing ‘bout most Road Rage videos. Either the people recording start AFTER the incident began, or its uploaded by the “victim” and edited to show how he/she “did nuttin’ wrong”.

Watching this video at work without sound on is... unsatisfying?

It looks like he fought...

Just figured out how to make infinite energy and end world hunger... wait, is that legal?

I’m just not sure how to make you understand how pointless, depressing and pathetic it is for this to be a thing to worry about.

Not we, Maddie.

It’s sad we even think like this.

Official That Guy™ Comment.

So this means it’s not like he’s stuck in second gear anymore

That’s the joke™

Score one for the little people!

What if we’ve been looking at the FT86 replacement, but the hatchback in camo at the end is actually the Supra?

If you’d ever tried “outsourcing everything” and getting something well-made in return, you’d know it’s not that easy.

I wonder if they make an adapter for this one: