I realize we don’t have a lot of info here, but this is what I’m getting and it doesn’t sound right:

I guess I don’t have any more excuses. well, maybe just one.

I just want to say I still dislike the new NSX.

At least there was something to keep these wild police focussed.

What drove me crazy about this video was the number of people who think the Ferrari driver was right to drive over the cop’s foot, just because he was trying to block the guy from leaving while he wrote the ticket. It seems like 50% of the commenters agree with him.

This guy always seemed like the cruel type to me. Never liked him. I have to say that he may have had a point here, though. Not about his wealth and that stupid comment that he should have kept to himself, but rather about being pulled over for what appears to be no reason. He didn’t get a ticket? Then, what are they

Their rationale is often “They should be insulted for how they died because it was stupid!” As if there were anyone left to insult except the friends and families of the deceased.

This is just sad. Not sure why people feel they need to gloat when someone dies.

Yeah, I figured ANY upgrades to the factory would result in $hundies of millies coming out of their account. Doesn’t mean we won’t still get a competitor for the new NSX. Perhaps even moar beautifuller.

I admire your standards.

sadly, yes. maybe needed a picture. anyway, I’m on to other trolling.

You must be quite the germophobe. Enjoy your bubble, boy-in-the-bubble.

That's because they were too lazy or incompetent to train their dog to also put the dishes away.

so... other than the slobber, my comment seems pretty legit, right?

I hear Vampire Weekend is shooting a new video. They love Saabs. Someone should reach out to them.

Fu@k this. What was wrong with REAL dogs doing the dishes?

I do this. I guess we’re both evil.

hmmm... the dates are also in that data so I’m not sure that would work.

I’ve seen that video. But, the cops aren’t claiming this as their excuse for the seizures.

how did we get to a place when police can just do whatever they want for any reason they want? if these guys have done something wrong, CHARGE THEM, otherwise, it was over 6 months ago and you guys are just drunk on power.