
Not long ago I realized that my birth is now closer to the end of WWII than it is to the current date. I feel absurdly old. I’m too young to feel absurdly old.

Okay so giphy keyboard doesn’t work here. Noted.


Same question...

I’d really love to see this used to lighten up the DCU. Not like it’s in actual continuity, but like Afflec and Cavill doing that skit on Jimmy Kimmel. The cinematic characters being played completely deadpan. I’d love to see Gal Godot making a cameo, sitting across from Hudgens during a claims adjustment or

Will we get first season Supergirl before her move to CW? Honestly, that’s how I got into The Flash. Binging season one to get caught up for the Season 2 premiere.

I don’t think it was a joke. The old fogies writing the script at the time probably had young kids at the height of the He-Man thing and didn’t get the memo.

My own hope is that they don’t get to regular with him. He should make an appearance or two per season. I would LOVE to see him in the big LOT/FLASH/SUPERGIRL crossover - if for nothing other than to get a still pretty-super looking ex-Superman on screen with the latest model. (Throw in Kara’s dad and you have 3...)

I was going to say the same thing. The NextGen cover looks like all the characters were drawn individually and pasted over the background. Not much sense of depth, though the likenesses are better here than on the TOS cover.

As we know, the Man of Steel died at the end of Batman v Superman but that won’t last.

In my mind’s ear, I have a hard time not hearing Grant Gustin’s voice delivering those lines.

My question too. I assume the meaning is that if the films are short duration (5 minutes or less) and not a feature length film like Axanar, they are less likely to be seen as competition. One of the ideas of fair-use of copyright is that if your product is not likely to be confused with the original, or replace it,

We don’t get good reception of the CBS or CW tation where we are at, so we rely on Hulu quite a bit. Supergirl is the only current comic book show we can’t get on Hulu. My 5 year old daughter brought this home from school the other day:

Well, I’m glad Supergirl escaped the CBS exclusive paywall. I guess I’ll catch this Trek if it jumps ship and does the same. Not worth paying Netflix and/or Hulu prices to watch a single show. CBS - Why you shoot yourself in the foot so much?

Dang it, Charlie... I knew that was a foreboding article title. We’ll miss your more frequent writings around here.

I’ve been loving rewatching these shows with my 5 year old. I wish they were a bit more reasonably priced. We caved at Christmas and bought her a Grant Gustin Flash Figure... managing to find a really good deal locally for $25... but that’s a heck of a lot of money to spend for a single figure. I get the super

Why those rubber bullets will bounce off his chest like... well... regular bullets would bounce off his chest.