It’s the preferred nomenclature at Wikipedia. I’m a child of the 70s and I remember it being called that on TV shows I grew up with. Once the Internet and webcam-enabled chatrooms became a thing, people associated the idea with the computer rather than the phone. The mobile phone apps are all branded, so people don’t…
Yeah, it works better in a few seconds of video than it did in the stills. Good laugh too. I definitely buy this Amanda Waller more than the supermodel portraying her on Arrow.
Likewise! I'd like to thank all the participants in this thread. I haven't laughed like that in a long time.
Tony had some hand wavy line about redirecting the force of the blast after his new suit AI mentioned the problem of the pieces being as bad as the whole. “Repulsor beam yadda yadda, Thor do it NOW!” Didn’t really sell it visually at all - but the force required to blast the whole or the parts into space instead of…
Wow, Sabrina looks like Alan Moore’s run on Swamp Thing!
I've been shaving with a safety razor for several years now. I've been keeping a goatee (van dyke) for the last few. I think it's worth it. The safety razor I bought from an antique store for just a couple bucks actually - it's several decades old at least, but being solid brass it just needed some brasso to clean it…
I've been shaving with a safety razor for several years now. I've been keeping a goatee (van dyke) for the last few.…
Most letters do nothing on long-press. Good idea. I would really love a swype like option too.
If you have an erection that lasts more than 4 Billion years, consult your geologist.
Mutha Pussbucket!
Not sure I agree with your police work 100% there, Lou. :) Routh was okay, but I don't think quite up to filling-in Reeve's boots. It's too bad they tried to marry his Superman to the Reeve's era, rather than letting him have his own take. Giving him the "Statistically speaking" line about the safety of air-travel…
But she was soooo CUTE! :)
A little off-topic, but The Karate Kid's Mr. Miyagi was also written with Mifune in mind.
I was wondering the same thing. Being prepped for eating by some spawn of Cthulhu. This would have much better episode than that gothic romance they tried to pull off as a Dr. Crusher centric story.
Yes, it would be fun to see - though I agree it doesn't quite fit in the film. Maybe they felt the need to counterbalance the Little Orphan Annie decoder ring with something that would sound a little more 'boyish'.