Best I can figure is Chuck’s comment to Jimmy that Jimmy with a law license is like a chimp with a machine gun. Maybe Kim just no longer trusted herself to wield that power.
Best I can figure is Chuck’s comment to Jimmy that Jimmy with a law license is like a chimp with a machine gun. Maybe Kim just no longer trusted herself to wield that power.
She’s trying her best. The site doesn’t have editors anymore.
I miss when the AVClub came out in paper view, in the newspaper boxes in The Onion.
I’ve absolutely hated Leno even before the Conan debacle. He is aggressively unfunny, the face of mediocrity. He had Kevin Eubanks mic’d, not to engage in any kind of camaraderie banter with entertaining chemistry, but to force out some fake, constipated cackles. His comedy bits range from doing a voice with a…
Unfortunately he rather spoiled the apology by phrasing it “Me so solly”
So... is it okay to still use the baking soda or not?
Let’s just hope he didn’t kill any more kids!
It’s as if Eminem’s version of himself from “My Band” came to life and became 50 Cent.
A lucrative career as a Charlie Villanueva lookalike awaits.
Apparently, Baron Cohen secretly filmed Borat 2 at some point and has now been screening it for “a select few industry types”—possibly while searching for some kind of studio backing.
Wait, what? McGowan is being controlled by the CFL? I mean I know the Canadian Football League had some availability in their schedule this summer what with not having a season at all ... but who knew that’s what they’d do with their free time?
“Babe, he’s so nutty he would give Mr. Peanut anaphlaxis, ok? I mean, this cat has so many nuts rolling around up there he makes Lance Armstrong look like George Washington Carver, amirite?”
You know who’s not having trouble getting a stew going, baby?
Goddamnit it, this is a dark fucking period!
Subconscious, eh?
And that man's name was Rod Blagojevich .
. . .mmmm hmm . . .
some folks calls it a Mallet.
I call it a Sledge-O-Matic
mmmm hmmm.