I don’t feel like she actually gets away with anything. Like, she hasn’t played some brilliant trick and somehow slipped past the fact-checkers. She simply has no shame about lying. Same with Trump. They’ve just realized that the fact-checkers don’t matter, that there are no political consequences for blatant lying,

The “They are a nice person” thing needs to die a firey death. I am so sick of people who lie, cheat, steal, and try to undermine American democracy getting the “they are nice when you meet them” line (Sean Spicer and Jeff Sessions seem to get this a lot). Like, yea, most people attempt to be at least somewhat

This paragraph though:

Gordon Ramsey the human, not the character he plays on some tv shows, is actually a fucking saint. He comes out on the kids shows and I honestly wonder why he bothers with the angry-chef persona.

He’s respectful and helpful with the children. He seems to actually like them.

I guess it makes sense that their show cycles would line up.

Come sit with me, in the grey dark.

Ducks Unlimited has preserved more wetlands in the U. S. than the Nature Conservancy. And they shoot those bastards ;).

Wear red, go to class, kick ass in your studies and continue on being a bad ass feminist out to change the world.

This is total BS. She and Harry Shum Jr were the best dancers on Glee. I consider them both professionals.

There have been people who danced professionally as children/young adults (like Alfonso Ribeiro), but it had been years (decades).

The only other Glee alum (I think she won) was not a professional dancer, but was

Kattan should totally troll the show as Mango.

You do not remember the Mango? This makes Mango the sad. You do not get to be a special rainbow if you make Mango the sad.

Absolutely spot on with the hypocrisy of fearing violence. What a bag of bullshit.

THIS. If I have to worry about a student bringing a gun into my classroom, then they sure as fuck should have the same concerns. Welcome to the world you’ve forced the rest of us to live in, fuckwads.

I’m a proud Giffords voter and these cowardly Republicans can fuck right off.

Ex cop here.

you mean a lot to me, sparky.

Where is that?

He’s trying to justify what happened to him by pretending that spouting “un-PC” crap means he wasn’t raped as a kid.

This is what I do! Anytime I hear a racist/sexist/homophobic “joke” I just look at them blankly and say, “I don’t get it.” Asking someone to explain, out loud, the source of their “humor” is usually pretty embarrassing for them. (Well, not the people who revel in their obnoxiousness but those people are unreachable