I don’t understand how that works. Was it an air marshal? Did the passenger actually call 911? How did this go down without alerting flight attendants?
I don’t understand how that works. Was it an air marshal? Did the passenger actually call 911? How did this go down without alerting flight attendants?
The thing I am baffled by is: why did the FBI threaten arrest? Were other passengers and/or the flight crew backing up whatever story the man who called it in said? And what was that story, since Blanco claims to have been asleep the whole time?
I literally don’t understand the Mykki Blanco story. How did the passenger call the cops? Was he able to do it from the air? What did he actually say? Where was the Delta flight crew during all of this? Why didn’t they help Blanco? (maybe that’s explained in Delta’s tweets; I couldn’t find the rest of them)
Nah, we’re black. There was an awful lot of Earth, Wind and Fire though. We were sent home with the older teenaged cousins when the Parliament records started to play.
Because white men are deeply fearful to the very core of their being of being treated the way they hate treated non-whites and women for the past 500 years.
As much as they deny history and try to ignore it, they know it.
It is hilarious and he was wrong.
It’s called the Cuba vote. They came here legally (even if as refugees), now everyone else better do the same. Also known as, I got mine, so fuck you.
Long before they were for suckering evangelicals in, the Republican Party was for whatever ensured professionals could make a buck. Which meant that until Reagan’s shotgun marriage to the Moral Majority in the 1980's, it was the Republicans who were most likely to be pro-choice.
We truly are living through the golden age of the man child, aren’t we?
oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.
Dear gawd, please let this be shade.
I hate hijacking comment sections but so many things are coming at us that it’s hard to find the place so this is OT but pretty funny.
Re: #4: That’s an Irish Wolfhound! We have one named Freya, and here are some pictures of her because you all deserve them:
And Sasha and Malia Skipper dolls, complete with Bo and Sunny as accessories (my favorite barbies always came with pets)
This was my favorite look from Michelle. The hair. Everything:
As a teacher, this, out of all of Trump’s horrific appointments, has stung the most. Imagine if this person and her family had donated that bribe money to public education what could have been accomplished.
As a Jew of Spanish descent, fuck that bullshit straight off a cliff.
His official photo immediately made me think of Vigo