Anyone else find themselves constantly doing that thing where you start a rant, decide you need to stop because you’re going to make yourself sick/have a rage stroke, and then 10 seconds later start up again because you just can’t stop?
Anyone else find themselves constantly doing that thing where you start a rant, decide you need to stop because you’re going to make yourself sick/have a rage stroke, and then 10 seconds later start up again because you just can’t stop?
It’s so appropriate that the de facto leader of the so-called “anti-PC movement” is someone who absolutely cannot take a fucking joke.
Actually, SNL nailed it. Pence will be president inside of this calendar year.
“But observing that fact, even understanding it, doesn’t necessarily engender empathy. In fact, quite the contrary.”
Because the victims are generally women and children. Our society doesn’t value women or children.
Svetlana Joy
Haven’t you heard? Those are the only qualifications necessary now. In fact, Booker might be a bad pick seeing as how he’s a senator and has actual experience in public service.
Rubio’s on the side of the traditionalist (or at least Reaganite) conservatives. It’s really hard to build your career on denouncing the Castro regime and then turn a blind eye to what a horrifyingly evil motherfucker Putin is. Not impossible, mind you, but pretty damn hard.
Jeff Sessions: Too racist for 1986. Just racist enough in 2017.
I made this the other night because fuck this guy
“That’s not true.”
You know, I have been calling this man “Rinsed Penis,” but the recent revelations about his new boss have me rethinking that nickname.
It’s too bad Marion Berry died, we could have had a Franken/Berry ticket.
“Supposedly, Trump is writing his own speech, too!”
What we’ve done instead of trying to surround him with what people consider A-listers is we are going to surround him with the soft sensuality of the place. It’s a much more poetic cadence than having a circus-like celebration that’s a coronation,” Barrack said. “That’s the way this president-elect wanted it.
Watching Al Franken work is like watching a trebuchet. There is no violent eruption, as a gun might make; no sudden thrashing as a catapult goes through. Just the slow movement that leads to a large rock smoothly leaving the ground and being thrown a couple hundred yards through a castle wall. All quiet until the…
I can’t decide if this is anti-Semitic, philo-Semitic, racist or super woke. I think it’s all of the above. Or the best Stefon club ever. Probably that.
OMG, that dipshit is still alive?? Al D’Amato was one of the most corrupt idiots to ever serve in office. I think I recall he was indicted on bribery charges? Maybe even served time? I was a NYer when he was in office and a bigger asshole there never was. Until Trump of course and they’re bffs.
“We can still speak in this country, and what you’re doing to me... I make an appeal to all you people,” he said as he was escorted off the plane.