Meanwhile he’s just a gross tool.
Meanwhile he’s just a gross tool.
My favorite debunk is when Buzz Aldrin punched a guy right in the face for suggesting it
Let’s be clear about something...
Trump is incapable of dealing with a woman his age on a level playing field when she doesn’t work for him, sleep with him, isn’t in a bikini, and is smart and capable. He just has no idea how to deal with her - so he doesn’t. He attacks Bill, who’s a man. Now he can attack Obama. He is attacking AROUND her because he…
“I’d like to secure your sack between two King Hawaiian rolls and then shoot salsa at it from a super soaker.”
I am still bummed at just how bad a dancer Amber Rose turned out to be.
Yeah, here in California you actually sign the envelope of the absentee ballot.
In the UK (I know totally different, but...) if you vote by mail you don’t sign the actual ballot but you have to sign a form that goes with it agreeing that it was you casting the vote. I wonder if they mean something similar in this case. Because having to sign the actual ballot sounds wrong.
I hope Parker Posey plays Dolly Madison, hosting parties on the eve of the British showing up, like a boss. I would also like to see Lesley Jones as Eleanor Roosevelt.
very slow lol. but an amazing character drama. worth hanging onto IMO for the culture of NO and the very diverse cast
I sing this is the morning with my kids, trying desperately prolong the age where they start to think they need to torture their hair into submission for respectability.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there is an intersection of Amy Schumer fans and Trump voters.
Michelle Obama is so amazing even Glenn Beck was forced to praise her this week. I hope it pained him immensely to do so!
And yeah, he says he supports the environment, but thinks that unregulated industry will just magically protect the environment out of the goodness of its heart.
Rather confused message, there. Why would one use a Nazi symbol to try to scare folks one’s equating with Nazis?
Is it horrible and reprehensible that I immediately went to ‘false flag’ on this?
Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.
I’m upset that he’s getting paid. He was being inappropriate on the job about two co-workers. That’s more than enough reason to fire most people isn’t it? Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
So here’s a fun thought.
Maybe if you can’t handle not harassing women in the workforce today, then you don’t belong in the workforce.