Not to take away from the amazing Samantha Bee but that link at the end of your story about Ana Navarro, is amazing. I’m so in love with her right now and it’s not easy because she’s a Republican and a huge supporter of the Bush Crime Family but man, that tape of her screaming at that dum-dum Scottie Neil Hughes and

Last Week Tonight ran a segment with clips from multiple interviews he’s done with Trump and they always seem chummy. So did he remember this exact conversation or god only knows how many others just like it?

they should cast Zoe Saldana instead

In cases of legitimate rapists winning the Republican nomination, well, the female electorate has ways to shut the whole thing down.

He went on a bit of a rant about how if anyone else did what Clinton did, their life would be in tatters. If he were president, he said, she would be “in jail.”

I had to turn it off, his tone and body language (in addition to the shit he’s spewing) make me physically anxious. He is literally acting like my emotionally abusive ex.

And a homophobe, to boot.

Here’s one vote for ‘stay and watch his career go down with the sinking, rat-infested Trump ship.’ Pence is an anti-choice, anti-woman extremist.

A man who cannot think of a higher compliment to a woman than, “Oh, yeah, I’d definitely fuck that.” You know how a lot of men would be very glad to hear someone say, “Your daughter is such a lovely, intelligent, accomplished young woman!”? Well, that’s how Donald Trump feels when someone says, “I would fuck the

This was my favorite part:

Trump’s dad should have pulled out as well.

They phrase it that way because they don’t see women as equals deserving of respect. It’s the same madonna/whore thing that leads the rest of the GOP to believe that they must have control over a woman’s pussy.

So women are throwing themselves at men by virtue of possessing vaginas? That’s the only way women would have any responsibility for Trump’s actions.


My two posts on Facebook today: 1. If you are a woman, and you still plan to vote for Trump, you are an insult to every woman on this planet who has risked life and death to be treated as equal, respected, citizens free of violence, rape, degradation, enslavement, and servitude. You are a disgrace. If you are a

It’s just a silencing tactic, it’s basically tone trolling. She’s attempting to shut down discussion on the issue and using her kid as a pawn to do it. If she can get any mention of Trump’s latest faux pas to seem too improper to repeat, she can limit the spread, that’s all it is.

Honestly, I cannot understand the batshit mental acrobatics and internalized misogyny that would enable any woman to defend Trump’s comments.

If you don’t want your daughter to hear the word “pussy” maybe don’t let her watch the segment where you’re defending Donald Trump bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. That’s like going on Twitter on a Sunday night and complaining about Game of Thrones spoilers.