I had the same idea... Only I mounted it to a piece of plexiglass and attached that to the wall mounting points on the TV. And in addition to the pi I also have a external HD and USB hub.
I had the same idea... Only I mounted it to a piece of plexiglass and attached that to the wall mounting points on the TV. And in addition to the pi I also have a external HD and USB hub.
Only if they are wearing lingerie and its sponsored by Victoria Secret. Would be hard to see them in the cars though...
Well this is assuming he didn't know that characteristic of the car. I mean, it's the drivers responsibility to slow for a corner, and its probably also the drivers responsibility to slow over a crest if necessary.
True, though I was a witness to basically the exact situation in the video, only the drunk guy was on a motorcycle.
It's probably to celebrate the signing of his 1 million per week contract.
I don't think he "slammed" on his brakes... you can clearly see that both he cop car and motorcycle have their brakes lights on for quite a long time. It's the chase car that floors it and then almost rear ends them.
Why buy a house when you can just live in a cardboad box!
The brake pad rebate is $15 for front and $15 for back, so its basically half off a pair, or full set of pads.
That is a picture of a forklift. Tires like this for normal vehicles (and ATVs) do have space for brakes.
I feel like a lot of these things are actually things that are works in progress.
While wearing a helmet is always a good idea, I don't think this is really all that dangerous. They really aren't going all that fast.
Nobody reads those things anyways.
I know a lot of people are going to flame me, but I would totally be interested if it had flappy paddles.
Well I'm not sure about a city officer, CHP is much easier to look up, and it seems that:
Someone that is smart with their money could relatively easily afford one of these cars, so I doubt it was really this alone that tipped everyone off.
I was in the mud-logging business for a while too. It's pretty hard to write your log with all that mud on the notebook.
I looks like this thing is actually built in sections and doesn't actually go from beginning to end, but its kinda neat regarless.
Even though I'm a huge car fan, I just can't see me ever owning a car for any reason other than practicality.
Maybe there is something in that video of the Williams wing that I'm missing, but I don't think that little bit of flexing is at all what Red Bull got busted for.