No actually... they don't.

I agree, and those that don't simply don't care about the result anyways, so I don't understand at all why they get so defensive about it when people want some spoiler free headlines.

Whats with with taking the flag? Not like his hasn't been done countless times before...

The rich teams getting richer are just how things work. That's how the world works.

Nice designs, but I kinda hate shits with big rectangle prints on them. They make the shirt heavy and they crack.

They should have put some music or something to that because the thing sounds like shit.

Agreed. Every race at this track so far has been pretty boring. Small action in the first lap, and then just cruising for the rest of the laps.

I watch every race, so maybe that's why my opinion is a bit different than most people on here. I found the race pretty boring. In fact, all 3 times they have raced at CotA it has been pretty boring. The next race at Interlagos should be way more exciting, but the CotA is just too 'safe' of a track and the drivers

Agree. They definitely knew it wasn't a real threat otherwise they wouldn't have taken it down so quickly. Surely if it were a real threat that would only make things worse.

I never liked magic, but I had friends that played it so I did end up buying some cards. I have no way of knowing now, but karma says I probably had one of those.

I guess I don't know how this works, but it seems they run twice as many cars and the other teams so I think that would make it much easier.

I think the conditions were fine. F1 racing in conditions like this is what makes F1 so great. Even before we knew of the accident I was wondering why they weren't calling a safety car. We have no clue at this point if Bianchi was even aware of the yellow flag, or maybe he was trying to slow down BECAUSE of the

Adrian isn't in any of those photos. That must be the medical car driver or something.

I want to see Alonso Move to McLaren, and McLaren be crazy awesome again because of Honda (not entirely likely) and win the championship.

Ed-Hardy DOUCHEBAG edition.

The Tesla Model 3. That's most likely what I'm saving up for.

I always though having AstroTurf on a racetrack was kinda tacky.

My tip would be to not order things just because they are Prime.

I guess the pass was done before he went off track, but WTF.

Note to self: