Rivan stock up 1000%

He raced at eleven. Like other drivers but one Lauda.

Sounds like an exciting race. Too bad I already know the result...

98 out of 100 lifehacker commenters agree:

This is why some people don’t like HAM.

Well, yellow is the correct color for launching...

I shop at REI and my interactions with sales people on the floor NEVER included a conversations about memberships. They only discuss them at check out, and I’ve never been pressured to get one. Also, my sister worked at an REI store for a little over a year and came away with a very positive experience as far as

The track is actually completely leveled now.

Thank you Jerry Brown!

Well I can now confirm my wife is not a horrible space creature.

I need those wheels and tires on my Impreza NOW!

I think I’ve seen that diffuser somewhere before.

Another thing a friend can do that a selfie stick can’t is tell you not to wear that hideous gold sweater.

As a native of San Francisco even I think this is some hipster ass shit.

As long as you/your friend invents a product.

Nobody likes making multiple trips.

I have never wanted a 3D printer before. Now, I do.

Because then you will be struggling to see the TV through your crotch.

I had the same idea... Only I mounted it to a piece of plexiglass and attached that to the wall mounting points on the TV. And in addition to the pi I also have a external HD and USB hub.