
Did they ever get there in 4 hrs like Wiki says? I take the express train (only Dorval/Guilldwood stops) from time to time nowadays, and it's usually 4 1/2 (or more). Sad there's been no progress in so many years, but it beats flying.

Aaaand look how well those sell. I mean, on one hand we slight many functional, everyday cars for being boring looking, and on the other we trash those that look 'ugly'. Just take the PT Cruiser's replacement, the Dodge Journey. Would everybody rather see a dishwasher than a car that marginally tried to think outside

Interesting enough, I was surprised this week to see the rust levels on a ca. 2000-2002 Focus. I mean, 20-30% of the body surface in complete rust (comparable to pic). I'd be worried about all FoMoCo products (including Mazdas) if that was an indicator of how they can take winter.

I wish I was you.

Maybe. But I like it a lot. See one in person first.

romeo e giulietta (to Canada).

Indeed. You can't make this kinda stuff up, not even if you draw eagles with wing flaps.

Yeah, he's made some meh buildings. But he also made the IAC Building, and the Beekman Tower. I think the Times called the IAC 'the prettiest office building in the world', and it's fairly restrained for a starchitect.

Wrong brand.

Don't feed the trolls.

Yeah. The 70s are like the worst decade for mustangs, bar none. Take the original 64 or the Bullit 67, and you have a fair answer at least.

I third/fourth this. Although I kinda like the Prius for making all the worst drivers on the road easily identifiable, this... car?, it has nothing at all to redeem itself on. A cash-grabber's cash-grab.

Nah. Not at all. I know a lot of people who love these pony cars under 30. More would drive them if they could afford them in this climate.

Wow. You coulda bought a Mustang V6 for that money...

There are definitely some good, windy, well-paved roads in the interior, like around Port Alberni. I'd love to take a mid-engined car around those one day.

My second word was car. I'm pretty sure I didn't say truck or all those other words for a while after, lol...

Lmao putting the 'special' back in Special Edition.

I thought the terraces all had min. fees? When I went to Monaco last year, $100 only got a ticket on the hill above La Rascasse. No grandstand. It was a fun atmosphere, but Montreal's a little nicer if you get the chance. Always pretty decent racing.

Good job J.F. You just made one of the best car-related videos I've seen in at least a few years. I love this car. I have loved it since I saw it at 7 years old. Like the supercar equivalent of the 911, it is. But 100X more awesome.

My family was all in North America long before then, and my father owns a BMW. There are sizeable numbers of others in the neighbourhood. Some people still dislike German cars, but they're probably the minority.