
Air Canada Flight 143 aka 'the Gimli Glider.' Ground crew thought fuel numbers were in pounds, instead of kilograms, so a lot less fuel was put in. The plane basically ran out of gas halfway on its flight and the pilot put it down with no engines on a drag strip in Gimli, Manitoba.

Conversion errors between metric and imperial hurt, eh?

Thanks a lot!



So what were they supposed to do? The gov't presented the hikes as a done deal. The students protested in peaceful demonstrations for months, losing a whole semester of school, with no compromise from their 'representatives'. They lost their school year because they believed in their cause.

The problem is the government's Bill 78 basically allows the cops to shut down any protest, and people in QC think it's undemocratic, so protests have escalated further from their previous, majority-peaceful state.

With the North American/Esseesse engine, no doubt.


He's more of a Vanishing Point fan though.

Sorry to say the obvious, but Hoff fan maybe?

That's a lambo dude.

This should be #COTD. I love reading Jalop, I love the comments, but why does everybody seem to have to be downers most of the time? I mean, I'll be the first to admit I don't/didn't watch TG USA and the Car Show, but I mean we haven't even seen one second of this and we're shooting it down! For me the idea of a few

Does anyone know the red car in that EnglishRussia shot? It's like an early 90's eastern European Rover SD1. Dorky, but cool.

I so concur. Not too pretty for poseurs, not too fast for insurance to be too high, not too bulky for most parking spots, not too bland, not too slow, not too cramped for North America.

I think a new Mustang design has a solid chance. As a young-un, it wasn't the past of the line that made me a 'Stang fan, it was the redesigned New Edge SN95. It was just so clean, so modern, but unmistakably North American. There were links to the past, but they were subtle and not overwrought. The 1999 Mustang was

I'm afraid that might be a rebodied Datsun kit car. The 240z was almost as close to the proportions of the GTO as a road car could be; flattery of the highest degree.

You know 90s nostalgia is creeping in when people start to tell you that the cab-forward is a good design element.

I wonder how the Chevy/Ford rivalry is in the Jewish community in this day and age, what with the percentage of Mercedes and BMWs that can be seen outside shul and all.

not really the same thing. one group doesn't intentionally interfere with the lives of others, the other, well, kills them. I think in the 21st century we should be beyond these victorian principles and just let people do whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm others.