
Thank you.

All those Druish Princesses and their Benzes

Hyundai i30? Seems a little less fancy than an Infiniti interior.

@Bueller: as a complete bystander on the matter, I disagree. VAG has turned Sant'Agata into a greatest hits factory. I mean, the Aventador is nice and all, but like mainstream pop although some details (and engine blocks) have changed, under the surface it's still the Countach blueprint. and honestly, would you pick a

@rotaryfreakjoe: thats probably the top model with all the features. it's about quality vs. size, and in terms of interior quality and style it really corners the market. it is a world more attractive and probably no less useful than, say, a $2300 CDN cheaper Yaris SE, in terms of day to day city driving, even in a

@metallicorphan: Yeah, seriously. I love racing games and cars in general, but no racing game EVER has grabbed me like PGR2 did. Not Gran Turismo 1, 2, 3, or 4; neither any Forza. For four years I played it until I sold my XBOX and backwards compat sucked. Halo 2 and Vice City would wrestle me away for a while but I

save the 458's!

@MustangMike: and the explorer too. best car lineup in a long time.

@VeeArrrSix: great. nothing like metro police, eh?

Beautiful, but what is a car without the engine sound? I'd go green as soon as feasible, but only provided it was in an Otto-based engine running on manufactured hydrogen.

Change the wheels, add Will Smith, and I'd say we're in the '20s (the one w/ robots, to be sure).

The design is very, I mean very, refined for a Bangle monstrosity. Hey, though, what's the point of the M3 if they can just shove that engine into a 3 series? I'd buy it. Enough torque to tow a Boeing, and with a little chip, probably another 60 HP.

Just like to point out this quote: