Those wheels made my decision difficult when I bought my Accord. The Sport looks SO good IMO, but one of the main reasons I was looking at the Accord was Android Auto. Guess what isn’t available on the Sport? I ended up getting an EX and now I have to tolerate those goofy hot wheels looking rims.

Her complaint seems valid, but for some reason this woman is completely intolerable to me. Her naggy voice...her insistence on dragging the conversation out after he apologized and promised to slow down. It was like she was trying to manufacture importance.

I got this from one of the links in this article:

I looked at these, but I ended up prioritizing space. I went through my Xbox One’s 500GB internal drive in about 4 months. Now that Microsoft forces you to download and install all your games (even if you have the disc) storage gets used up mighty quick. I bought a 5TB Western Digital drive. It’s not super fast, but I

I looked at these, but I ended up prioritizing space. I went through my Xbox One’s 500GB internal drive in about 4

Remember when MTV was cool? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Wow, is that turbo 4 the base engine? Those numbers are way up from previous models! Used to be like 210hp, right? You've piqued my interest, Audi.

Classy. You've represented Trump supporters well.

Classy. You've represented Trump supporters well.

Wow, man! I just gained a ton of respect for you! FE is one of my favorite groups and not a lot of people know about them. That's good music right there.

I REALLY love Astons. That’s why my brain is having a hard time processing the fact that I don’t like that DB7 in the lead pic at all. It’s like the illegitimate child of an Olds Aurora and an Eagle Talon. I know I know...How dare I. It’s just not a flattering pic IMO.

Caption made me choke on my Cheetos.

Ugh! I really wish I didn't have to download and install the games. I just want to be able to play them from the disc. The Xbone hard drive is tiny and I'm already having to make hard decisions about which games to uninstall. I'm trying to hold out for a great deal on a large capacity (3GB+) hard drive.

OK, I’ll be that guy...Black Ops 3.

I had a 2010 Infiniti and the system was terrible. It required a lot of back and forth interaction to perform even the simplest task. I now have a ‘16 Accord with Android Auto and I’ve been happy with how much easier it is to get it to do what I want. It’s using Google’s voice activation software which seems much more

I have never heard it called that and it really threw me off. We call it “bags” where I live. “Bag toss” would be acceptable as well. I don’t know who the heck came up with “cornhole”! How many shrooms are these guys eating?!

I have never heard it called that and it really threw me off. We call it “bags” where I live. “Bag toss” would be

There’s just something off about the new Maxima.

1. This article is 3 years old. Catch up.

The ‘15 Mustang had a similar affect on me as the C7 corvette. I saw a picture and thought “Hmm, pretty nice looking car”...then I saw it in person and...

That’s what I get for skimming the article.

Is there not also applicable coverage from most personal auto policies? My agent told me I’m covered with any car I drive.

This is a very unjalop thing to say, but I think the Renegade is hideous, and I’m guessing the average consumer would agree. It has that Toyota FJ vibe (and those things are as visually pleasant as watching your grandparents have sex).