I’m the exact opposite. The only COD games I’ve enjoyed since MW2 have all been Treyarch games. I don’t know how to explain it, but it feels like you’re actually shooting someone. The other games feel like you’re shooting chickpeas at wet paper.

I use this card for almost everything! It racks up points so fast! Any bills that allow me to pay with a credit card get put on this. I even bought a car and put part of my down payment on it. They had a $2500 max, but that was an instant 50 bucks! 

I use this card for almost everything! It racks up points so fast! Any bills that allow me to pay with a credit card

What about when your phone battery dies? 

Have you ever driven one? You can’t see anything. Chevy might as well install a periscope and be done with it.

As a former 2010 G37 owner...crack pipe from now until the end of time.

After having attending multiple Cubs games over the years in various sections, I can sincerely say if you ain’t in the bleachers, you’re doing it wrong. There’s this weird community that happens in the bleachers that I’ve never experienced in other sections.

It’s been a while since I literally lol’d at a comment. Well played.

My favorite joint on the album. You have good taste, sir.

Oh God that front end! Don’t look directly at it!

I’m quickly approaching the end of my first year with this card, and I’m searching for a reason not to cancel, but that $450 fee is just too steep for me to justify. I don’t cook so I get the 3% at restaurants pretty frequently, but between Discover and Chase Freedom I’m usually getting 5% at restaurants 2 to 3

I’m quickly approaching the end of my first year with this card, and I’m searching for a reason not to cancel, but

Judging by these comments, it seems that I’m the only one who’s super excited for Anthem.

My main irritation is that the hook follows you. The hook is a projectile. If you toss it at me and I jump strafe right after you throw it, you should miss. I’m not in the same place I was when you threw it. However, it currently functions more like a hit scan weapon. If your reticle is on me when you tap the button,

This article comes across as having been written by someone who has received more than one participation trophy. Competition IS fun to a lot of people. I’m not going to pay money to casually coast around the track and just feel the “wind on my skin”. I want to pass people. I want people to try and pass me. I want to

This car makes me sad that I’m 37. I would look like a complete douche driving it, but MAN that thing looks like fun!

Messenger (Google not Facebook). I’d love to use Allo, but not until they get the SMS thing sorted out.

What’s wrong with Vox? I’ve watched quite a few interesting, informative Vox videos?

Came here specifically for this.

Am I the only one looking forward to playing “I Am Alive”?

Yep! Found that out yesterday while trying to watch my fantasy players. Was not amused.

I've always said if I have a girl I'm naming her Lotus Elise.