Ouch! If you’re talking exclusively about the coupe then maybe I can see your point, but the sedan doesn’t give off a douche vibe at all. Granted, I’m biased as an owner, but come on, man! The sedan looks about as conservative as an Accord or Camry. Take it back!

Can you use this method?

I feel so validated! I’ve always thought U2 was terrible, even when they were in their prime, and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. To know there are others...[*sheds tear*]

“Filed to: ASSHATS”

Ultimately, every passenger is the worst. When I’m driving I want to play loud music and sing along obnoxiously, pic my nose, and yell at the other motorists (because everyone who is not me sucks at driving). Passengers interfere with this.

I'm flying Allegiant in a week! This is the type of stuff I don't need to read right now!

Xbox One. Dear Lord this thing is terrible. It's unfathomable that an electronic device so buggy and cheaply made could get released to the general public for purchase. It's so bad I consider it unethical on Microsoft's part that they are selling it.

Dragonball Z: The only anime where the English dub sounds 100 times better than the original Japanese.

Needs more Akame.

The M6 Gran Coupe is my dream car. What a sexy beast!

I just use Trigger to automatically turn off my ringer when I disconnect from my home's wifi network. I find that app way more useful (for my purposes) than IFTTT.

I would also love for the word "utilize" to die a fiery death.

As someone who has served on many hiring committees I just want to clarify that a degree is usually just one of numerous "minimum qualifications" required to get your foot in the door for an interview. However, if you ONLY have a piece of paper and little to no relevant experience, you're not likely to be hired. I'm

I installed SwiftKey on my wife's iPhone 6 only to discover that it's totally gimped on iOS and not nearly the same experience as it is on Android. I LOVE SwiftKey on Android, but it's almost unusable on iOS. It almost feels like Apple did that on purpose just so they could say they have 3rd party keyboard support

Ya know, Al...I knew nothing about these people until your post showed up in my RSS feed. Thanks for that...I was happy once.

Drive (mostly for Chris Harris)

Hearing you all talk about this game makes it sound like the most annoying, tedious experience in the history of everything. No way I'm playing this! I know myself well enough to realize I'd get sucked into the monotony and waste my life away farming for exp (or whatever you do in this game).

If this was within a 200 mile radius of my location I would be on my way to purchase it right now. I'd gladly pay 3K, but I bet I could talk him down to 2,225. This thing makes me proud to live in 'Murica! Absolutely NP!

I was really only talking about appearance. I didn't even notice until I saw her from the eyes up in this article.

In semi-related news, I just realized that Mikasa is basically a rip off of Rukia from Bleach.