I’m calling an officially liscenced “Purple” Prince Strain by 2025.
I’m calling an officially liscenced “Purple” Prince Strain by 2025.
Okay so for real not joking: a lot of guys quite like larger women ;)
UGH yes. I assume this was done because advertisers were not getting the amount of engagement they wanted from sponsored posts.
I DID THIS TOO!!!! Except its just a black line now, u cant tell what it was.
I thought this was the case where they threw the pledge in the water and he died what happened to that one?
for some reason the pic in this article is cracking me up. like thats the moment he was offended, xD
Vouching for the Audio Technica m50s as well. I don’t have much experience with headphones but these have been the best i’ve ever owned. Bought them off the strength of the last “favorite headphone” gizmodo article :)
Vouching for the Audio Technica m50s as well. I don’t have much experience with headphones but these have been the…
I dont know man. the idea of a sex robot is really creepy to me. (realdolls creep me out too) I would much rather have a highly intelligent A.I. AUDIO sex bot in my ear speaking to me. I just cannot imagine a robot experience that would be anywhere near hot unless they looked and felt EXACTLY like a human. which I…
ok so how do you search for gifs?
All the way from 2006 - he says the same thing here
Yup. this is all staged posturing. very surprised not many other people see this.
a shit load of ppl in the age bracket of 17-25
Great read! I love AVGN and Cinemassacre. One of/ if not THE fIRST YouTube memory for me. 2006. My roommate and I would get excited and watch each new episode together. I still keep up with everything they have going on - Even Bootsie plays! (sometimes boardJames doesnt really click with me tho)
Dom is involved
So was it the police chief who looked at the paintings/images and described them with all of his artistic sensibility?
good night
I love LIL B