Love the wall of light. If you ask me, though, the tiny table is too tiny to hold my ice bucket of champagne, the glass, and my lunch because I'm sorry, between that shower and the other regular luxurious stand-up shower and the infinity tub that are undoubtedly in that room, I am never getting dry again and will need

You are wonderful. My housemate and friend still works there, to the detriment of her mental health every day, because she saw my six months of unemployment and decided not to jump ship like I did. I will make sure she has this information.

I am an employment attorney... I cannot look at a single one of these without seeing REALLY REALLY easy cases. Why oh why do people not know they do not have to put up with this shit?

Now playing

I want to cry at how close this is to life, for all women everywhere:

My sister was gang raped in college. She did not report it. In fact, she returned to the frat house where it happened the following week. She was drugged and raped again. Those four sentences are enough for 90 percent of the population to conclude, "Wow, what a dumb bitch! She had it coming." But there's a very

I just sent this off to Sony...

I want someone to dress as Bill Clinton and when asked say that they're a "slutty president".

You are my imaginary best friend right now, that was my first thought.

As I gazed upon the sliced turkey breast and ham, I realized nothing could compare to his magnificent meat rod.

So wearing underwear is some kind of magical rape barrier or something?

Did this girl not know what she was getting herself into when she signed up for Smith?!? If she didn't feel marginalized before, she definitely will now—no way Smithies will stand for this attitude. I hope she's a first year and can transfer to UMass or Amherst. Sounds like she'd fit in a lot better there. Signed, a

I have a become a big fan of listening to my inner hater. If she's squawking and uncomfortable, man, I listen to her and do what she wants. I have found that the sooner I do that, the sooner the STFU and leaves me alone! And the end result here is that I have been one hell of a lot happier lately than ever before.

Maybe it's because I read it (Gulliver's Travels) a few times as a kid, but I really like this ad. I find it the right amounts of funny and sexy - implication, cartoon, and farce - that's what I want in my lube ads.

"You should end the video by doing something really gay."

People who are worried that thin-shaming is anywhere near as crippling as fat-shaming, please take this short quiz:


I don't want to minimize the real problems created by money problems - I have experienced them myself in my marriage. But there are millions of married couples around the world who are dirt-poor and marriage has not collapsed worldwide. American couples just need to adjust to the new realities of gender and economics.

Sandcastle competitions are the best. My favorite from the one in Atlantic City earlier this summer.