I’m always paranoid. I’ve seen a few games which show ”last saved X minutes ago” on the pause menu, and it saves me so much anxiety lol
This is addressed in the article, though not with any particular science.
Yeah, but that’s like selling an e-reader with a built in candle holder because reading requires light.
Bloober Team has also secretly been Kojima all along too?
It’s a great game
fun fact: Ukulele de Chocobo was what I put there before I remembered Pulse de Chocobo existed.
Resident Evil is camp when it’s camp and when it’s camp it’s great, I agree.
I agree with this sentiment. I love the downhill levels. I don’t prefer them by any means, but they are a nice break in style.
In regards to Burnside: It’s not Burnside, it’s you. ;)
For real though, I also love Burnside. That small eyeball bowl is a blast to fire off some super quickly timed combos with reverts…
As someone with over 40 platinums myself, I both understand this theoretically, and yet don’t. Like there’s a weird sense of pride with platinums, that I don’t really understand in myself, but it does exist. But then I only platinum games that I actually like. If I love it, then I feel compelled to platinum it, as…
You also have to consider the fact that game devs absolutely thrive on FOMO, especially when multiplayer is involved. They hide new content behind paywalls and really slam it in your face. Destiny 2 and Division 2 were really fun at launch, I played them heavily. Now they do episodic releases and I’ve missed a LOT…
This. But also, I think nowadays people have come around on DLC when it’s done right. People would rather see Bungie invest in a new expansion than try to remake Destiny every three years, just like I’d have been happy to get another Blood and Wind-style add-on for The Witcher 3 instead of waiting a Witcher 4.
Back when the series came out I truely felt that was the endgame for the devs. To work their way FORWARD and have Desmond become a Master Assassin for a modern day spin off once he sponged off enough Animus.
But then they did that thing and ever since then I’ve felt like the series has no actual through line to it.
Don’t know why there’s much mystery about whether a kid like that to get ejected. Seems like a pretty black and white situation.
Right. But in the interest of ensuring that nobody is misled, I’ve changed the headline from “The Witcher’s Author Says He Doesn’t Get One Cent From The Games’ Success” to “The Witcher’s Author Says He Screwed Himself Out Of Profiting Off The Games.”
The new PS4 game Horizon Zero Dawn does a lot of big stuff well. Literal big stuff, like robots the size of…
Welp, I’ll do my part. Never thought I’d be subscribing to PewDiePie, but it’s for a good cause.