
But they don’t. The only thing that game had in common with the original was, well, its name.

Hi. You must be new to Kotaku. This site’s majority of articles are negative.

Answer: King’s writing is kinda shit.

Its time

As someone who loves the series, I fully support your opinion and that of the washington post as well. This petition is ridiculous and I am surprised Troy Baker has supported it. Why does a game need to be defended like this? It’s a product, not a human performer. What impact does this one negative score have on your

I get you, but it doesn’t feel action-oriented either. There's no weight to the combat. No friction. It's trying to be an action game, but its control scheme and the abilities it gives you don't really allow for it. I really wish they would either fully commit to making an action game, or just go back to turn-based

I really didn't care for the demo at all, but that's probably because I prefer combat that is either entirely turn-based, or entirely action-oriented. Attempts like this to meet in the middle inevitably end up being less than the sum of their parts, and in my opinion FFXV is no different.

I was just being snarky- not anyone can be a good runner - just sayin’. Someone knocked out all my cartilage in a soccer game and apparently it doesn’t grow back. Basically can’t run anymore. Biking it is for me.

Well, it’s Simms and Nantz, who are probably worse IRL than they are in the game. And they’re doing the Super Bowl!

It was so clearly no good.

Been hearing a lot of complaining about the 'tank controls'. I don't understand why people have such a tough time with them. Your character maintains orientation between camera shifts, and forward always moves them forward, its hardly 'cumbersome'.

Whoops, I mean favorite, I mean favorite! DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK TO KOTAKU UK!

I like the Steel Series QcK:

It felt like PGR? My anticipation just went from nonexistent to through the roof.

For the love of everything:

Sweet! Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms, yo!

I hold your opinion above all others as a fellow CoCa faithful! Thanks :D

I'll be the one to say it. Honestly, I don't think HL2 deserves a spot, not anymore. Great for its time, but I don't think it's so great anymore.