
Eddie’s aged a fair bit better than Martin Lawrence seems to have, and has been lying just as low so he’s ripe for a comeback.

“Fuck that.” - Jeff Bezos*

With all due respect, George, I don’t believe you have taken human ingenuity into account. Mars could be transformed into a planet with a livable surface within a century—possibly much sooner.

It seems to me that you are being excessively and unreasonably negative, playing Devil’s advocate, when many potential and

History is made by events that someone said would never happen.

I think it’s instructive to remember that the US is currently at (or very near) its highest production output in history. It also is instructive to remember that a key indicator of capacity is productivity, which is also at its highest point in history.

I work for a tech startup and it too might be viewed as a “circus” from the outside. We definitely are not run like a “well oiled machine.” To extend the metaphor, a well oiled machine is designed to perfectly execute a specific task and is good at doing so at the expense of flexibility. A well oiled machine is

I work at a stamping plant for a major automaker. That dirt you see on those Tesla components is hardly a thing to gawk at. We laugh at the “wash me” grafitti written on robot arms and panels every day. Sure, McLaren’s shop is spotless, because they’re not trying to pump out hundreds of thousands of vehicles at a

Bruh, put down the hatorade.

Deep cuts. I haven’t heard this song since college. Now looking for my International Pop Overthrow cassette.

There has been lots of innovation in the field of body armour. Most doesn’t get entered into service, because agile, and unrestricted soldiers are just more effective than weighed down tanks on feet.

In space, astronauts don’t have to worry about weight, being weightless and all. They also don’t need the ability a soldier does. Adding massive batteries to suits to cool them is beyond absurd. Between bullets, EMPs, and other factors, what happens when it fails (when, not if) and becomes dead weight? There’s a

It’s not standard issue because it isn’t practical for combat. Rarely will a round smaller than a .357 be used in battle. Even Kevlar vests police wear put up about as much resistance to a 5.56 or 7.62 as warm butter. We have a saying in the army: “ounces equal pounds”. I’ve carried loads of 200 lbs with ammo, water

Apartment in Charlotte, NC (Ranked among the highest rent in the nation recently) - $350/month ($4,200 yearly)

2 The purpose of the US Navy. The piece seems to accept as axiom the notion that the Navy will continue to be World Police. Is this true?

Aimlessly wandering oil tankers? I bet those Trump Presidency = Waterworld folks are going to run with this new tidbit.

Yes, but not as much as: “...violent motion that bang’s the pilot’s helmet around...

You could hit it with, say, a crowbar!