
They are down because Tesla has been running balls to the wall for too long and they needed to have some down time for upgrades and maintenance.

They have skipped the typical July and Year end maintenance downtime that all of the other companies do since they started making mass volumes. It is a crazy way to do things


So, Trump was right? Never thought I would see that on Post Gawker Jalopnik.

Honestly, i think the 2 outboards is even better than a single inboard. I am also a sailor and having a backup motor could be a life saver... if their sails actually do fall apart.

Thing is, you can buy perfectly serviceable used sails for cheap. I would hope they buy some spares just in case.

I am not going to watch

Where does this fine go?

Where do all of these fines go? Some slush fund somewhere I am sure. Guaranteed a bunch of corrupt government employees are having some of that stick to their fingers too. 

You do know that articles can be written without bias right?

Only thing missing from the headline is “Trump Funded Dangerous VTOL Aircraft”

I really don’t see how this is anti-semetic. It is anti-hate.

But the narrative is anything to destroy someone you don’t agree with. So just like anyone that isn’t a radical liberal democrat is fair game for hate.

Most airplanes have EPIRBS, pretty sure all trainers do. Every one i flew in did... I think they were actually invented for planes and found their way to boats

All of the big car companies are finding that its not easy. Probably for the best though. Demand is not what the car companies were hoping for. Issues like this only decrease demand. I think the Mach-E has something like 2 years of excess inventory and they are ending production on it after next year.

Of course if the

How the heck does a slide fall out of a plane??? Aren’t they are attached to the INSIDE of the doors?!

Amazing how many people are ok with this. Its like “line me up to let the government control every single aspect of my life!”

By your standard, the Escape, Ecosport, RAV4, Jeep Cherokee, Compass, and Renegade, CX-5, CRV, Equinox, Blazer, etc are all not SUVs

Love watching those guys make stuff. Especially the Barbie Powerwheels Camper Rock Crawler!

What a time to be alive! The advances in technology that brought us from where we were to ships powered by the wind!!! It’s like we are living in a different century!

I predict Subie GL Searches go up 10,000%

Thank you. You are remarkably sane for this website.

So much for the First Law of Robotics.

Tesla has been doing this for 3 years in their final inspection and End of Line roll out area. They use the in car sensors and self driving capability with external camera systems to move the vehicles from one station to the next.

First time i saw it I was amazed. This was well before the first Self Drive was released

Apparently i need to connect the dots for everyone here. The ability to recall the past seems weak.

Here is my layman’s version of how this all went down. I have been involved in company purchases before. I know how they work. Been down that road several times.

Musk said he would like to buy twitter. People lost their