
Nor should I be? A company that can’t survive with one person missing isn’t much of a company is it?

The goal is 48 for me. But beyond that, I promise I won’t be the type of person who expects to get work back that I “handed off to junior employees during (my) absence.” I look forward to the days when I can hand out work and utilize the talents of those younger than me to make myself look good.

I will never be on Musk’s side... but working with Engineers over 50 is fucking exhausting. They don’t appear to be interested in any improvements that have been made since they graduated in 1990.

Sounds like a good idea..

As the reply always goes, freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.

I don’t even like Elon Musk, but this article is “journalist brain” at its worst.

Well said.

Are you just a troll. Musk has done a numer of things that others thought would be almost impossible. Popular electric cars as a start. Traditional car companies won’t be “eating his lunch” any time soon. His Twitter purchase has not fallen apart and his Starship will fly as soon as the idiots from the government get

who said either electric cars or space flight were impossible?

1. “Federal taxes” =/= solely income tax. Where’s your payroll tax analysis?

Now playing

All based on bunk “science.” Once political money started to back the theory of AGW, all reason went out the window in search of money, influence, and power.

Paying tax on money you haven’t received is a horrible idea and if you think they wont use this as an excuse to raid the middle class you are clueless.

Did the weather impact flights on other airlines, or were the Southwest planes the only ones sensitive to the bad weather conditions?

It is reminiscent of older Jalopnik articles that actually had substance to them. 

I wonder if it’s disheartening to realize at this point in one’s career that you’re essentially a paid troll? You gotta kinda feel bad for the guy...

These companies are supplying us with resources that we literally have to have as a society to function. We’re not at the point where we can fuel the world economy on butterflies and dandelions yet.

How can a paint scheme be greedy? Anyway, I like the JFK scheme better but this new one doesn’t look that bad. It’s not like they’re painting it to look like the Team America jet.

its just paint. planes get repainted all the time.

Ugh, except every Californian knows it has nothing to do with weather, but poorly maintained infrastructure due to years of lack of funding! And for most of us that have lived in rural areas, this has been a norm for years! I remember when Felton was without power for like three weeks, not cause of fires, not cause of

You should get greyed for trying to make “Musk-holes” happen.