They just switched to 4 shifts. 4 days on, 3 days off then 3 days on 4 days off. They are working on it.
They just switched to 4 shifts. 4 days on, 3 days off then 3 days on 4 days off. They are working on it.
You really should think that through. How is shipping by rail faster, easier, cheaper, or smarter? Pretty sure trains don’t go to malls where the Tesla stores are. Do you understand the infrastructure involved with shipping ANYTHING by rail? It is a nightmare.
I am not sure what “Anonymous enough” means exactly but I would say that every car manufacturer and plant has its issues. Some are better than others. What truly makes the difference is the people. There is no doubt about it. You can have the nicest facility with the best processes and it be a shithole if your people…
I absolutely would buy a model 3. I actually was on the list to get one then I got a divorce and my Ex canceled my pre-order and pocketed the $1000. By the time i found out about it i went from the first batch to number 500,000 or something. The Model 3 is a seriously great car. All of the improvements and innovations…
Well since it hasn’t been an F-150 plant in about 10 years and I was there when it was, put in equipment to convert it to a Focus Plant, then put equipment in when they started making the ridiculous Focus Type C and now doing work there to convert it to a Ranger Plant, I would have to say if you are eating off that…
If i am biased it is because I see a lot of great things going on there first hand. I sell equipment and services to every car maker. So i want them all to succeed!
Tesla isn’t “Losing” 2B a year. They are spending all of it on improving their capabilities. The cars themselves are money makers. Even the Model 3 is showing a net cost to build around 28k and they are selling for around 50k.
When you take everything you make and roll it back into the company to improve capability…
This is rather ridiculous.
You guys need to learn how to read. Political “OPINION”. You know, where the person writing the article throws in his political opinion on what he is reporting instead of just giving the facts and allowing the reader to add the vitriol himself.
You guys need to learn how to read. Political “OPINION”. You know, where the person writing the article throws in his political opinion on what he is reporting instead of just giving the facts and allowing the reader to add the vitriol himself.
You guys need to learn how to read. Political “OPINION”. You know, where the person writing the article throws in his political opinion on what he is reporting instead of just giving the facts and allowing the reader to add the vitriol himself.
You guys need to learn how to read. Political “OPINION”. You know, where the person writing the article throws in his political opinion on what he is reporting instead of just giving the facts and allowing the reader to add the vitriol himself.
Rremember when Nissan had a chance to build the iDx? All downhill since then
I have already stopped visiting Gizmodo because they no longer cover tech news, just political bullshit all the time. Oh and every other post is an ad. Please don’t make me stop visiting Jalopnik.
Unless they are well into the tooling design already. They can build a factory and have it producing cars in a year or so. I have been a part of it.
Love this song! I was trying to think of this song a while back. Thanks Torch!
You are 100% correct. They just can’t admit it. People can’t see past their own lives. They think because they can’t afford to buy a new F350 or a Corvette with their minimal input jobs, they are poor.
The US is one of the few places in the world where you can directly change your status in life. All it takes is a…
It is the way things are now. It sucks, I already stopped visiting Gizmodo. Looks like Jalopnik isn’t far behind.
This is the new way to show how evil the US is. Show it in percentages instead of actual numbers. 180 million American Taxpayers are going to be paying less taxes, like on average $2000-$4000. And this is for about 90% of the taxpayers. Even the people that pay nothing are getting more back. But somehow that means…
I had this same car in black. God i loved that thing. First car i hit 125 in. It was the best car i ever owned until my 2003 WRX that i bought new and put 350,000 miles on. Still definitely #2