There is no better engine sound on the planet than a P-51. It is just amazing.
There is no better engine sound on the planet than a P-51. It is just amazing.
I hate when good bands go pop like this. To me it may be the worst most popular song from Paramore. Of course the musicians of the band bailed a while back.
For my gaming setup at home I put my second monitor above my primary 27”. I use this one to keep my Teamspeak/Vent open, have a reference webpage open, my clock, etc. It is very handy and doesn’t take up any extra desk space.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
A guy I know was just telling me about this. He said that it comes with a flip up .50 Cal mount in the bed. Like, you have no idea this thing has a gun, then someone jumps in the back and BLAMMO!
It comes with a flip up .50 cal. that is totally concealed in the bed... I know a guy.
That is hilarious.
So you aren't going to go see the movies, no matter how good they are? Really?
I was just thinking that that was the coolest one... interesting
The entire concept of "Peak" anything is a flawed concept. It will ALWAYS be broken by the advancement of society. How many decades has the Peak Oil been broken? 40 years ago we were at "Peak Oil"... It is just people trying to make a name for themselves by inventing a crisis.
That is the truck from Back to the Future.
I am anti-green movement, anti-big government, and anti-political bullshit. But I think this whole dealership monopoly is stupid.
Ability is not use.
This is what race cars are supposed to look like.
Why is it so hard for people to understand that?
So funny that people don't get it. The reason that money isn't back in the US is because they would lose too much of it to taxes to re-patriate it.
The problem is that government's #1 go to response in the event of anything is RAISE TAXES! Meanwhile the IRS just reported RECORD REVENUES! So they have more money than…
That is an awesome article! More of this please!
I live about 20 miles from there. I might just go check this out. It looks like a pretty nice kit car. I have seen WAY worse that is for sure.
I guess a lot can change in 11 years. My 2003 WRX manual has 301,000 miles on it now and I haven't done anything to the major to the engine. I still have the original clutch. It does need replacing though gets a bit jerky when taking off from a stop.
Honda was pretty sweet with is extendo arms. I always loved the Beast Man Blanka though. Many many blisters on my thumbs from playing Street Fighter.