
I actually just posted something like this.

There is no reason they couldn't do it. Airplanes have them and they are MUCH more conscious of weight than cars are.

Not as much as you think. A Halon system is 10-20 pounds.

I think it is more a question of why don't these 6 figure cars have fire suppression systems installed in them permanently? A nice halon system in the engine bay is only a couple thousand and probably around 10-20 pounds.

I am a small business owner and an engineer. I design equipment all day long in Autodesk Inventor. I have been using the same version for 4 years. There have been 4 new version with tons of improvements in each version. I have not upgraded my own system because while there is definitely a tangible benefit, there has

Why is it dumb? Things can be beneficial yet still a luxury that is not required. The fact that there is a county government that is interested in staying within their budget is a good thing. Especially when they take the reality of reduced revenues into account and adjust their budgets accordingly.

My Wife works for the Oakland County Government in their HR department managing the technical side of the entire system.

What about that Roadable ATV -

I am riding one now!

Seems to me that the in the 80's they said that Radio was dead. MTV was going to run it out of business.

The simplest thing is to fix the Phone/Car interface. Most cars have the ability to connect through Bluetooth for handsfree everything, including reading your texts to you. You can already write a text by talking.

Since Goose is dead it would have to be KITT style, with his voice as the vehicle computer. I can totally get behind this!

That is cool PureSilver! Did they get anywhere with that concept? It looks amazing. If they built any kind of dunebuggy that looks like that thing it would be a huge hit. Add the parawing and it is a whole different level.

That is the big problem with a Para-Plane. They basically put a motor on a parachute and make it fall slower by going faster. There is no way to change attitude except with power. If you lose power, you are just a parachute. Worse though is they are effected by wind much more than a regular plane.

There are so many flying car concepts out there. There are a bunch of "personal flying vehicles" too.

Can I have that 2:31 of my life back please? What was the point of the video? They took a 10 second clip of a car driving off a road then disappearing and stretched it to 2 1/2 minutes.

Matt if you and James Earl Jones open a Gun Range/BBQ Joint i will make the trip!

So what am I supposed to do when i am driving down the road and need to know where Joe Pesci was born and how many voice acting jobs he has done?

Now playing

Those rotors will fold and the whole wing retracts into the pods at the bottom of the vehicle

Now playing

Not sure how you didn't include the Video from their website

No the funnier part is the the better looking twin to that car, the Saturn Sky is also the defunct part of GM.