
Forced unionization is not "Pro-Labor"

Probably stops AK-47 rounds but nothing bigger for sure. That looked like 3/4" plate.

So what you are saying is we now know that we should mine for valuable metals in the red areas... Let's go already!

I think we actually agree on what is going on. "Social Mobility" is stagnating.

You have hit on to something that I have been proposing for a while now. All these people that the government is ALREADY PAYING should be put to work in public projects.

I completely disagree with that. Every day, even now, Entrepreneurs are coming up with great ideas, putting in a ton of hard work and sacrifice and turning into the "Rich People" everyone is against.

From this video i am saddened at the lack of imagination of all Sci-Fi movies.

My 2001 Grand Cherokee had Taillight fluid. The reservoir for the rear wiper was inside the tail light =)

Have you read Atlas Shrugged? Don't you find the message, propaganda, and overall mentality of the Liberal side to be eerily similar to what is in the book? I am amazed at how often one politician or another makes statements that are word for word the statements in the book.

I wonder what this rule is going to do to the membership of the UAW in Michigan. If they can't force you to give them your money...

Of course there are a lot of us that can define it and see Atlas Shrugged being played out in real life every day.

That ship is definitely coming OUT of the water and moving forward before it is fully emerged. Awesome effects on that one too.

Now playing

That's where they filmed the Pauly Shore movie right?

Nanites will take care of everything. Haven't you read MoonBase by Ben Bova? Man are you behind the times :)

That Dart is pretty nice though isn't it.

As a resident of the Detroit area, the problems of Detroit are easy to point to. The battle between the City Council and the Mayor .

Can't make an omelette if you don't break some eggs. Don't worry though. NASA added Enviro-Nanites to the parts so they will slowly digest the mess and break it down into the constituent atoms and recreate it as a Wildlife Park in that location.

You EviroNazis are crazy. Tell you what, as soon as we colonize the planet we will form an "Adopt-a-Desolate-Empty-Desert" and we will all go out every month or so and clean everything up.

Now that is the Giz that I expected... It has been far too long since there was a typical left leaning propaganda post.