
you better shut up and serve

I respectfully disagree, Greg. America didn’t lose the war against guns. We haven’t even had the balls to start one.

I honestly feel sorry for the people that are so paranoid, terrified, and have so little self confidence that they must ABSOLUTELY carry a weapon.

The next Columbine will be live streamed. But people need to see the violence of our own culture. ISIS, yeah, lighting people on fire is pretty shitty. But once we have good ol’ Americans running through a school shooting kids on live TV, we’ll never figure it out.

After they got about 30ft away the dental floss connecting their cups broke and communication was lost. They’re all just chillin submerged 30ft from dock trying to send carrier pigeons but they keep drowning. Fuckin pigeons.

yup. Our nine year old, as far as I know, hasn’t had anything to eat today but some corn chips and a banana with peanut butter, if he’s to be believed. (He was with the sitter today, and may have eaten and forgotten.) His older brother made him a cheeseburger, and had the audacity to put one leaf of kale and one

We’re coming home along the Thruway and decide to stop at McD’s. There’s a woman and smallish kid in front of us getting huffy and I can tell this won’t end well. And in due time she starts yelling at the cashier, “Why is everything more expensive here? This is ridiculous! You’re ripping people off!” and so on, as the

Dear dining public:

Lenny Robinson may have dressed up as a superhero, but in my mind this man was a hero.

Great read!

If you’re going to do it, at least do it with a bigger badder machine that ties it all together. Like this: Batman Big Bonus Wheel Slot


I’m a literary agent, and reading this self-pitying nonsense made me kind of angry. (By the way, Catherine/Tom, sending unsolicited queries is the most accessible way to reach us in the same sense that posting a personals ad on Craigslist is the most accessible path to a long-term relationship — technically true, but

“for the first time in his life, he required a personal security escort.”

Saw it on Wednesday at a screening. First 1/2 hour is a little slow, then picks up quickly and was very fun, and somewhat exciting.

shouldn’t you be over on i09 trying to destroy the moon or something?

My cats bite and claw me everyday. I deserve it because I’m alive.

Sure. If you cannot take the time to read this short article, this article most definitely does not apply to you because you were never in danger of doing the thing this article argues against.

Must be new to Gawker, They whine & complain about everything on these sites.

I believe this is what developers call “Working As Intended”