
Jumping in with this from the wiki:

Arya will kill Cersei

That looks so cheesy that at first I thought they were doing an Ark II remake.

Are you sure you’re not really a Brit? Because you’ve shown more patience and politeness than any American would throughout all these comments.

Is that Prince getting on the elevator?

That’s alright, emotionally he’s,. 8?

please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real

I didn’t even have a problem with that as much as the ‘don’t save me from the tornado’ bit. Clark should have disobeyed to start showing that he would try what he thought was the right thing to do. Of course, Snyder could have really messed with him and when Clark did a super-fast scoop of Pa Kent he actually snaps

Please, someone, just give me a live-action Guyver!

Interesting how this is front page news for every news site but Fox,.. and, somone needs to release the name(s) of whomever turned off those cameras. There is great fear in that action.

Read that as ‘blamed on Mexico’ — too much Trump-speak on the news,...

I surprised myself at how much I like Spy. And the ending credits were worth sitting through.

I don’t know why but I am oddly excited to see Danny McBride and Ridley Scott working together.

I keep reading his name as Seig Heil!

Cyborg is the only Justice League member whose costume is completely CG instead of practical.

I know everyone is jumping on the bash Ghostbusters wagon, but I think it has promise. Also, the color choices for the supernatural events pop. And,... well, we all know that Kate McKinnon is stealing this movie.

Alexa, make me a sammich

And Shadow was never really described. I think it’s a really good casting call.