
We definitely have each other's back - but if you have great friends to do that for you, you'll make it through :D. A wedding is a celebration. The focus will be on you and your SO. That might tempt your mother to bring the attention back on her. Anyway, the marriage is what counts, right? Maybe you'll be able to

Stargate. Snake Plissken plays himself as an army dude. It's so awful and I love it.

Seriously? WTF? I have been a lurker long enough to recognise your posts... that's stupid / odd.

I love it when he uses himself to demonstrate. Every time I watch a video I am like - why does he have such fucking perfect skin? Make-up (expertly applied), that's why.

I'm moving for work soon and my husband is staying here. We'll be about 6 hours away. He won't be able to visit often but I KNOW when I do visit the dishes will be pilled and his stinky laundry will be waiting for me to clean. I've already made the declaration that I won't be interested in coming home to visit to

I feel you. My sister and I used to joke that my mother wouldn't send us anything even if we sent her a box with a prepaid shipping fee to send it back because she would have to go to the post office and that would be too much work. If there is anything important we always tell each other - even if she says she'll do

I can't give you routine advice since I am in the exact same position as you. I was even required to wear my hair in a bun for school / work for 11 years so.. I became super lazy about that. I am also terrible at the make-up thing. BUT I like make-up tutorials. This guy is pretty good.

Since I am grey it's really hard not to engage the trolls... because no one will read this right?

Ha. Good one. But I bet someone would ask me about my love of rugby if I did and all I know about rugby is they do those weird dances. I need to be more clever. Isn't there a spell for that?

You are probably right.

It can be super hard around here sometimes. Like GT is only a wish in a far away land for grey ole me.

We need a cool place to hang 'cause I'm not getting in with the GT crew any time soon. Where do the totally-not-trolls-but-greys go? SNS is cool but...

I hate being a grey.

Catching Fire. This is me SO HARD

Why are you getting ultra defensive about how someone answers a dumb bunch of questions? It none of anyone's business.

I'm biracial. This is me after 30+ years of these questions.

My cat has been such a non-stop meow-face that she has finally shut up because she tuckered herself out. In the battle of wills against the seductive closed door I WIN.

Good question! For me it is, hands down, photography. Someone says photography is just "snapping pictures" and "not doing anything"? So Henri Cartier-Bresson, Dorothea Lange, Vivienne Maier, Paolo Roversi, Man Ray, Koos Breukel, Fabien Chalon, Tania and Vincent, Ernastine Ruben, Kimiko Yoshida, Harry Callahan, Ursula

Celiac inhibits absorption of everything in the digestive tract. A known symptom is low blood sugar. Additionally, your parathyroid can become damaged due to the prolonged malnutrition caused by lack of vitamin / mineral absorption in some celiac patients. It manifests as hyperparathyroidism. None of what her doctor
