I wouldn’t call that “messed up” but I think it is somehow suggesting if you are skimming the page that the games are somewhat equally expensive, however, there are not.
I wouldn’t call that “messed up” but I think it is somehow suggesting if you are skimming the page that the games are somewhat equally expensive, however, there are not.
I think they are doing that also because in Europe. The Companies have to minimize charger as much as possible. So they have to make the phones to be plugable to universal chargers and stuff and Nintendo is doing it by only providing a charger if it is a product at the beginning of its lifetime. Valid solution but if…
Somewhat spoiler ahead!!
When we speak of Expert Videos. We should not forget this one here.
...You can time your progress so you only have to fight random battles when you're doing something else, like watching TV or cooking dinner. (Note: if you figure out how to play 3DS while cooking dinner, let me know.)
I think I read somewhere. That when a game is installed it is cached to a 2GB DDR3 RAM that is specially for that purpose. And propably because of this it is much quicker ready to be playable. I try to find the article.
Yeah try first this. But if you really want to be sure that the motherboard and the graphic card are ok you should get a check-up. Dunno how expensive that in your place is. But normally nowadays motherboards and graphic cards are a little bit robust to power spikes so I hope only the power supply is broken. ^^
Ah ok, but then it is even more possible that it is the power supply because high failure rates are normally on the low voltage section. Because for the power supply it is really difficult to hold a steady low voltage level and if something is wrong with the power supply it can break down. What APU do you have? Intel…
Randomly restarts can also suggest that your power supply is failing somehow. I would go with your computer to a small pc shop and let them check what the cause is because a friend of mine hat a very similar problem of random restarts, no display of main card only by the APU unit. First he bought a new graphic card…
I really liked the idea, too. But why cannot they go a two way path. Like when you first enter the Disc. The Game will ask you if you want to install the Game and permanently associate it with your account with the benefits of family share etc or use it like in the old days as a Game-Disc that you can trade in. To…
My only words to this. It is so f'ing awesome. This Pres could not have ended better.
Consider yourself lucky. Somehow here in Germany as a country that never had datacaps somehow will convert into a datacap ridden one because Telekom is starting to implement datacap stubs in the gtcs that state as of 2014 you connection will be capt to 512kbit if you exceed 60GB a month which is ridiculous. I hope…
For me I would have no Problem with the used-game fees or that it would even not possible to resell games totally because that is normal for PC Gamers since Steam and the other Gaming Store has existed. And I think if they really are going to tie the game to a playeraccount I have no problem as long as it will work…
I think it is already possible. When you put your PS3 in Remote-Play ready mode you can even connect from the internet to your PS3. So it should work already.
It is literally saying that Lucas Arts has not specified the gaming platforms yet and that the German Sony Playstation Team only wanted to express that they hope as Gamers that it will come for the present Playstation Platforms aka PS3 & PSV and that is why they posted the pictures.
Year I find the comment system really annoying because of all the clicking here and there going back to find where you were and such. It is somewhat tidied up now because all troll post or unimportant ones are down below but it is still a pain in the a** to click through all the comments that could be interesting.
In my opinion it is easy for the news to blame a video game or such because it is not comprehensible why a person wants to kill other people and himself. It is not easy to find out if a person is mentally ill or something because such people would not go to the doctor to let them help. But I think what can be done to…
Hehe even I didn't know of it although I am from Remscheid that is around the corner. xD