
Why did the Cougar let Sarah Palin name his kids?

While it may be a lesser charge, the death penalty should still be on the table.

I'll admit that my immediate reaction was "meh, it's not even that deep." But then I stopped being an idiot and took into account that he's moving to his left, plants, and throws a bullet to his right. Pretty impressive stuff.

C'mon now. At least mix it up a little bit.

So in what way did he save the dog from the hot car? Also, what are "Fantasy Fistciuffs?"

Great read! Nice work!

That's what I'm missing. I took it as more of a "good for this bro" type of post.

Awesome. +1

heheh +1

That's disgusting!

What are "other things overheard at Kenny Chesney concerts?"

Only as long as you share with the rest of the class.

I think Bastardo was just given a placebo and used as a baseline in the testing. There's no other explanation.

So you're saying that I can make myself look hotter by getting a couple of ugly friends? How 'bout an entire city?

I see Rickie Lake.

I too recently murdered a bunch of my friends.

Oh thanks. Now I'll be saying "french fried potaters" nonstop until my wife finally snaps and calls me an idiot.

While his sign says M4M, his eyes say "I'll totally blow you right now."